Amy's Ban apology

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Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Bolli
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name
: Edward
Your In-game Name: Amy Belinsky
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41244833

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered: I joined Perpheads community since November 2014 , I was enjoying play perpheads server i was very active on that server and i was donating to the server with some green american dollar aswell, And at one day i decided to cheat in the server to have some fun but actually i crossed a RED LINE, I am very sorry for my behavior with cheating on the community that i really was enjoying to play with i dont know what i had in the mind at that moment i defiantly regret for that, I has been banned since Feb 15, 2016 I want to ask the community to forgive me for a such behavior i want to come back to Perpheads community and start all from white list and enjoy to play with the community again, This was my biggest mistake that i cheated here and a such thing will not repeat on it self every again if you will give me an other chance,I want to add that i was ban evading my name was first Alice Valentine then Martino Omerta, I was evading the ban because i wanted to play with the community again like in the old times even when i was evading the ban i was donating to the server and selling donations for in game currency, I was really enjoying to play in the server and i knew that one day i will receive a permanently ban for evading i just didn't know witch day it's will be until the ban on "Jan 13, 2018", I want to remind that i will always be sorry and regret for cheating in the first place, If you will give me a second chance i will give you demo every week or day if will be asked or needed to provide for evidence.

Additional Comment(s): Thank you for reading my post.
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