Tinky's ban dispute @SpaceShots

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @SpaceShots

Your Steam Name: Tinky
Your In-game Name: Tinky Starksy
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) 2.5 - User shot 2 clearly unarmed people during a raid.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: I'll start from the very beginning, I saw a fully barricaded house in subs 4 so I assumed the people inside would be heavy armed so I took out a bomb out of my storage and called my organisation. I placed the bomb on the back door of subs house 4, and a few seconds after the bomb blew up, 1 of the people inside rushed outside sprinting in the middle of the shootout and did not ever mention anything about not having a gun or surrendering, if anything rushing out like that would make us think that he's armed and ready to shoot us.

As previously mentioned the people inside didn't mention at any point being unarmed which means that if they are unarmed in a situation like this, they should be hiding in 1 of the rooms hoping they dont die from the explosion. The reason for the second guy to be shot is as mentioned in the section above, there is clearly a shootout going on in front of his house and he's peaking his door without putting his hands up or letting us know he's not a threat, which again in the moment, makes him a threat to the raiders.

Furthermore it's quite obvious that the subs house is clearly a bait. A house without drugs and with unarmed occupants wouldnt have barricades such as those seen in the video and in my opinion the only purpose of this house to get somebody punished, because as soon as we raided the guys started talking about me getting banned.

Additional Comment(s): I hope that those types of bans dont get more common since during the sit, there was no evidence provided from the victims which makes the ban appear as a biased one.
Evidence (Required for all server bans):

- Involved -

He admitted this was a bait house. Seeing as Mikey is ex staff, he should know that putting yourself into a base thats a bait house for no reason and not surrendering on sight if you don’t want to die is a silly thing to do if you want to stay alive.

you still dont get that you still shot 2 unarmed people. the fact that its a bait house doesn't really spare you a ban, seeing as it could of been a normal base aswell without its occupants being armed or anything. stop denying simple facts
Refer to my previous statement, If you had read the post, if you had read my whole post, you wouldve known what im talking about.
Also, this nice little clip shows that you even have seen it that I was completely unarmed as you stared at me for like 3 seconds before you decided to blast my brain, which imo is enough time to realize that I was unarmed buddy
I started spraying at you as soon as I saw you but at one point the sound glitches but you can see my gun continues to shoot at you. I never stop and stare at you at any point in the whole situation
can i know why you sprinted out where you heard a bunch of shots go off?
@ibraaa im commenting because it obviously looks like you guys were fucking around and you got someone banned because of it, it clearly shows that you sprinted out to bait someone to shoot you so you can report him, also the other guy was looking thru a door not making a clear view either he's armed or not and he got shot for that
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