M Messages 2,494 Reaction score 8,545 Points 340 Jul 11, 2017 #1 moonpig.com@Tom Hill @Creepis @John Daymon@Exrobite @MrLewis
rat Messages 2,240 Reaction score 6,668 Points 770 Location North East Jul 11, 2017 #2 This really goes to show the community that exists here. Glad to be a part of it. Big up @Tom Hill, hope you're coping and my condolences
This really goes to show the community that exists here. Glad to be a part of it. Big up @Tom Hill, hope you're coping and my condolences
John Daymon Messages 7,408 Reaction score 17,201 Points 900 Location IKEA - Northern Europe Jul 11, 2017 #3 Exrobite said: This really goes to show the community that exists here. Glad to be a part of it. Big up @Tom Hill, hope you're coping and my condolences Click to expand... Agreed even though i laughed at first, I wish to replay that situation and not laugh
Exrobite said: This really goes to show the community that exists here. Glad to be a part of it. Big up @Tom Hill, hope you're coping and my condolences Click to expand... Agreed even though i laughed at first, I wish to replay that situation and not laugh
JC Denton Messages 1,326 Reaction score 6,015 Points 360 Location UNATCO Jul 11, 2017 #4 Thank you all for your condolences. Recently, my grandmother passed away due to cancer that she had for a few years.
Thank you all for your condolences. Recently, my grandmother passed away due to cancer that she had for a few years.
Double J Messages 2,009 Reaction score 1,487 Points 930 Jul 11, 2017 #5 @Tom Hill I know what it feels like fella,Sorry for your loss, If theres anything I can do for you let me know.
@Tom Hill I know what it feels like fella,Sorry for your loss, If theres anything I can do for you let me know.
Samジ Messages 793 Reaction score 1,866 Points 580 Location London, England Jul 12, 2017 #6 I'm sorry to hear about what happened mate, I hope you will be alright.