Traffic Officers

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Main idea:
Offer some kind of protection for the traffic officers.

Full description of the idea: Give them a gun, I would suggest the glock 17. To counter the possibility of people responding to incidents not designed for their job (shootouts etc.) or abusing the gun, make the job whitelisted. There will be very strict rules for the traffic officers to make it clear when they should use the gun (e.g if there is an immediate danger to a person). Make a new small division for it (?).

Why should it be added?: People might say that, as traffic officers are there to deal with traffic offences, there is no reason for them to have a gun. Yes, they do deal with traffic offences but there are cases where they do need protection. For example a suspect is escaping with a car faster than the normal police cruiser. Only the speed enforcer's car would be able to catch the suspect and when he does catch him the suspect would just get out of the car and shoot at the poor defenseless officer.

Pros: Traffic officers will be able to defend themselves in the dangerous cities of Paralake.
The job won't be dead, at least for a while.

Cons: People not doing their actual job and acting like a normal officer. (As I said, a whitelist will be a good solution to this).

Optional Additions: Add tazers instead of guns.
Remove the job, integrating it with police as Kuno said (read his reply for more information).
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Discussion Post:

Main idea:
Offer some kind of protection for the traffic officers.

Full description of the idea: Give them a gun, I would suggest the glock 17. To counter the possibility of people responding to incidents not designed for their job (shootouts etc.) or abusing the gun, make the job whitelisted. There will be very strict rules for the traffic officers to make it clear when they should use the gun (e.g if there is an immediate danger to a person). Make a new small division for it (?).

Why should it be added?: People might say that, as traffic officers are there to deal with traffic offences, there is no reason for them to have a gun. Yes, they do deal with traffic offences but there are cases where they do need protection. For example a suspect is escaping with a car faster than the normal police cruiser. Only the speed enforcer's car would be able to catch the suspect and when he does catch him the suspect would just get out of the car and shoot at the poor defenseless officer.

Pros: Traffic officers will be able to defend themselves in the dangerous cities of Paralake.
The job won't be dead, at least for a while.

Cons: People not doing their actual job and acting like a normal officer. (As I said, a whitelist will be a good solution to this).
The day i signed up i asked :tuna: if se get tazers, that was a while ago :stephen:

But as mentioned previously no guns, tazers would still do tbh under 3.4 for crimmies and 3.6 under cops. Just do something against them not requiring prcision aim because they will respond to all panics regardless of what the rule or law will state i garantee it.

I personally feel that the traffic officer job should be removed all together and integrated with police, maximum of one cruiser at a time and is only available to premium users only. Once the officer who selected the vehicle either resigns or has the vehicle removed, it will be available for selection at the PD desk officer (the one you sign up at)
Not only that, but the officer who retrieved the vehicle at the desk NPC would receive a tag on his back similar to the one traffic officers have.
"Traffic specialized unit"

If the officer who is using the SL65 AMG traffic enforcement vehicle decides to spawn a regular cruiser, the tag on his back would disappear and he receives the vehicle he decided to spawn.
This way another job position has been removed, like with the LT job and SGT job and less space is used on the leaderboard. Not only that, but the officer is also allowed a firearm whilst on the job and may respond to any calls they wish to, but is reccommended to respond to traffic related offenses.
If you are a corporal+ the trunk will not be available to prevent members from using the vehicle as some sort of heavily armed fast transport vehicle.
This would be a trade of firearm for speed. (with the exception of the service pistol and would only apply to corporal+, which is basically those with access to the shotgun)

Tell me what you guys think of this.
Ignore? Yes, yes.

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