Before I even realized the poll existed, I didn't think one option only exactly made sense.
US Warning, EU Regulatory, EU Obligatory, US Priority, US Informative.
But in all honesty, US signs make sense.
Not only the obvious arguments of driving on the right side of the road, and the fact we use mp/h, but also:
- We use Chest/Trunk instead of Boot
- Most cars are left-hand drive, a norm in American cars.
- We use Wrenches to repair our cars, not Spanners.
- We buy Cigarettes at gas stations not Fags.
Then again, we use a lot of imperial methods/American norms everywhere.
- We all carry Flashlights, not torches.
We use Fahrenheit when cooking Meth.
- We use the $. Not €.
If it isn't broken, don't fix it. (Im all for QoL updates/making things look better, tho!)