Travis Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: 21 Swinther , @Brinch
How long were you banned for: 1-week ban ( about 3 days have passed)

Your Steam Name
: Travis
Your In-game Name: Travis Trump
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179938847

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.2; Metagaming.
Why should this appeal be considered: I've submitted a sincere apology to Brinch a few hours after I received the ban and I will include that here. I have also taken that time and the time before I was banned while the AR was not resolved to reflect upon my actions. I've stopped using third party apps entirely while roleplaying on the server and won't use them unless it's a PD matter or an OOC matter and never to affect in-game situations even if unintentional.

Here's the apology submitted on Sunday:
Hello Brinch,

Reviewing my actions I had not acted in the most appropriate way I should have. I joined the discord server to have a general conversation with friends the day prior to the AR and never meant to use it to break the in-game rules. While posting that AR I didn't look to hide the discord call because I'd have never meta gamed before and had no intention of doing so. During the calls, I would always ask them to call me in-game if they need anything and not pass around information as to avoid metagaming. After the AR was posted, a shocking perspective of the situation had unfolded itself to me and I decided that I'd never use discord after that and if I did I'd mute it any time I interact in-game. This was the end of the calls. I'd taken the time to reflect on my actions. As a result, I have realized that what can be said on a discord call can be impulsive and uncontrollable and would only bring more trouble. I am not one who looks for trouble and only strive to make perp a better server to play on and avoid breaking rules at all costs but I am human and I make mistakes and I will always correct them. With every infraction, I receive I get a deeper and practical understanding of the rules. Hence, I would like to seriously and sincerely apologize for metagaming in that sense. I refused to react to anything and did not defend my apartment or give out information because I wanted to avoid the trouble but I've placed myself in a loophole. I understand the state of the server in rule-breaking and how it needs to be enforced strictly. After talking with a few moderators I'd decided to play perp very seriously and discourage behavior that brings chaos to the server. I am very sorry to have been part of this chaos and I promise to avoid all situations that would get me into trouble. I care deeply about perp and only intend to help it become a better place and what I did certainly discourages that motive and I deeply regret it.

Travis Trump
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