Trouble Revising

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Hello. So I'm not quite there with all these different ways of revising and its making my brain explode quite a bit. Of course I've started to do some past papers but I feel like not a lot is going into my head hole. Of course, getting all this information is crutial for me passing my GCSEs (specifically Maths).

If anyone has some tips for revising then please let me know. This can also be a guide for other people if you like.
Get yourself banned from perp :moron:

I would suggest just keeping on reading and practicing, but make sure you take some small breaks from time to time. 5 mins every 30 mins works great.
The only subjects I've really revised for was Science and Sociology back at GCSE. Sociology just had so many key terms it was mental like, I found flash cards to work the best for that. For Science I watched these videos on YouTube and took notes, helped a lot.
I use revision cards and literally just smash out past exam questions(not past papers- mix them up!).

I try to summarise all of one topic onto a card then write a question or a few on the reverse side and try and answer them.

I got really stressed about GCSEs over nothing, I did alright (6As and 5B's, nowhere near @Chris ' 9000A*s but) but I could have done a lot better

Protip for future: Do this after completing a topic in a subject, then when you come to revise they're all there!
I did terribly at school. Atleast I got a couple of C's unlike someone else we all know.

I can help you with IT if you took it.
Flash cards are pretty good, to remember critical information I wrote stuff down on sticky notes and stuck them above my computer, I read them 3 times a day for a week and haven't forgotten the information since.
Only thing I can say is get information that you want to remember, do flash cards and memorise them and be quized on em. V2 use gummy bear on a text book every paragraph or so, encourage me :D>
Well if there's anything you should revise for and get ready for it is Maths, English and science. This does not mean you cannot revise for other subjects but I would recommend those 3 as they get you the good jobs. In terms of revision I would recommend that you get yourself banned from perp until all the GCSEs are over. Some revision sites I think is quite good.




Wish somebody told me this years ago :(
As most people have suggested flash cards are really useful, you can pick up a pack of 100 in ASDA for like £1.30. Obviously it depends on what the subject is but if it's content you're struggling on then why not just sit down for 30mins or so and watch some YouTube videos around the subject. They can be so much easier to understand than what your teacher may tell you.

A timetable is recommended such as Maths on a Monday, Science on a Tuesday etc but don't fret if you can't keep to it and make sure to allow some free time. Better to do hour revision then rest then bit more instead of 3 hours intense.

Also strongly recommend you visit the student room, people who have done the exams are always on hand to help and teachers are on there too:’s-not-too-late!-Ten-ways-to-kick-start-your-revision
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Revising is different for everyone. I, for instance, prefer past papers and reading through revision guides, typing it out. It could work differently for you. Experiment to find out.
There actually aint the "one" perfect way how to revise. I in fact don't have to revise for anything (excpet Latin because it is fucking aids) and write good grades. But from what my mates tell me, it is very useful just to read through it and maybe ask your parents if they could ask you everything and see whether you got it or not. (for stuff like vocabulary or rules on how to do shit it is very good)
Personally I find that just writing/typing a paragraph or more about the topic, then looking it over a few times, then attempting to write it down again from memory helps, and then repeating this over and over again, and as said prior by someone else, just turn off your wifi. Finally i find listening to relaxing Japanese music helps, as it's not catchy, but it takes some stress away, and it's great.
Gather a group of friends and start revising together. If it's a text I usually read every sentence twice, so once I've read a sentece once I go straight back and read it again and let my brain process it. After you have read around 10 sentences you can try to summarise what you have read to see if you remember it and if you understood it.