so overkill i love it, personally think its a great build and wont need updating for a lifetime, but theres a few corners you can cut, I'm personally opting for the i9 9900k and a 3070 little less ram, Personally like nzxt cases better but dont dislike the coolermaster one
This is quite the disaster.
  • With the case you bought make sure that you use the mesh front panel or you will have negative airflow.
  • You do not need 64GB ram, get 32 GB instead but with better CL timings, also why rgb...
  • The motherboard is extremely overpriced, why would you pay that much? Do you need 2.5gbit ethernet? I doubt it
  • Small NVMe SSD size is extremely questionable. Get at least twice the size, especially if you install a lot of software (windows sucks at installing it to different drives)
  • Getting an intel CPU, especially if you want to do video editing, is extremely questionable at this point. AMD has CPUs that are faster in games and that have more cores for usually less money (although the 5000 series is currently hard to get)
  • The CPU cooler is the biggest tragedy yet. It costs over 100 pounds, looks like trash and has TERRIBLE COOLING PERFORMANCE. I mean just look at it. Just get a good noctua cooler.
i fully support your rgb choices, shame you went team blue
only thing i would change is your storage solutions.

I have a 1TB NVME from Sabrent. Runs like a beauty and have had no problems whatsoever, maybe think about going for the 2 TB NVME from Sabrent. Saves you 20 squid as well
@Tyla Jai I don't have a separate boot drive I just have HDD's for big games. I understand separate boot drives for windows and applications but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter a whole lot in my opinion
@Tyla Jai i like the Kraken range from NZXT , but you also have noctua have very good fans, cost less and are arguably better in performance
@AlexDunsシ I know about noctua fans but as fredy would describe me as "extremely questionable" I value the asthetics over performance a lot of the time lmao and noctua fans look like shit