
Reaction score
I would like to take a mintue and recommend probaly the Most Gangsta Roleplayer in perp at the moment, Tyrone Johnsson AKA TheDrunkenRage. His constant Ghetto attitude has given many laughs and many many "N-word" Comments. Me and him joined around the same time maybe like 2 years ago and we have both been playing on and off. Even tho i got into alot of trouble alot of times he managed to keep his cool, Most of the time. We have had fun with almost everyone on this awesome server and it's mostly because he is not shy in the slightest. That's my 2 cent's on a ugly yet beautiful dude!
Definatly my favourite player in this community , helped way back in like 2015 when i was a sweater and made loads of good memories. Probs the reason that i stuck to perp.
Very funny and fun to play perp with and other games
Daddy is the most funniest guy in the org actually that always solve problems with cops and even help give advices what to do,what not,very great guy same as Tim,but Timmy sometimes very crazy,when you make him mad,he just shoots you insta,without warning :booty:

Haters gonna hate.
This guy is one of the best roleplayers in the server. I can sit all day and watch him roleplaying. Amazing.
I might be late but I swear this is a great guy. I will never forget the time you took me hostage when I was a medic and you let me stay alive for so long even though you could've already shot me. It was great rp even though I was hostage for a solid 15 minutes.