unfair ban for 5 days

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hello i got banned for 5 days bc i got a warning i dont think its fair bd the way i got the warning was i was at jennifers taking my packet then on the way home a guy hit me and then shots at me then when i get home he reaids my house then kills me and i got a warning for not taking my hands up
Just a cursory glance at your ban reason and the evidence thereunder would suggest that is not what happened at all. You straight up said "no" when he told you to put your hands up and kept telling him to kill you, only to then try and sprint out and away from your trailer.

Don't bother disputing the ban, it will be denied.
Just a cursory glance at your ban reason and the evidence thereunder would suggest that is not what happened at all. You straight up said "no" when he told you to put your hands up and kept telling him to kill you, only to then try and sprint out and away from your trailer.

Don't bother disputing the ban, it will be denied.
yes bc i thought he was wrong for shooting at me and then raiding me for no reason he shot me on the way home
yes bc i thought he was wrong for shooting at me and then raiding me for no reason he shot me on the way home
I suggest you read up on some of our rules while banned my friend. While bans suck and can feel unfair, they are there to ensure that everyone has a fair experience, and those who make the experience unfair for others have to be dealt with the same way anyone else would be.

In this instance, you broke rule 3.24, and 3.4 - staying in character, and risking your life respectively.

In the future, even if you are absolutely certain someone is breaking the rules, all you may do is make an in-game report and then continue the situation, stalling of any kind is not acceptable and not within your authority to pause the in-character situation. The person breaking the rules can always be dealt with after the fact. This is specifically in place in case you are, as often people are, wrong, and the situation they’ve gotten themselves into is 100% not against the rules.

Secondly, all orders must be obeyed when under gunpoint, that’s about it for that one.
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