Unfair treatment: blacklisted from Secret Service

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Bolli (STEAM_0:0:37845145 | Tyrel Smith

Tyrel Smith treated me with very little respect tonight. I was the mayors secret service. I was waiting in the limo while he was buying some food. Suddenly he pressed panic, and told me over the phone to shoot the guys as I entered. I took my gun and aimed at the guys. They got 3 warnings from me, and they kept hitting the mayor with their fists although they in gunpoint. The mayor, Fredy Newman (agent green), saw this and also thought of it as unfair. They were in gunpoint and they knew it. I gave three warnings and they kept on going. The mod/admin was called and chose to blacklist me. Even the victims thought it was stupid because they were breaking both rules and laws themselves. Also he was really rude dealing with me. I think its fair to remove the blacklist and tell the admin to start treating people with respect.

Besides that he disrespected my common sense. He spoke rude about my country, Denmark, which I also think is VERY unprofessional and rude.

Yours sincerely,
Retordo John
Add the link to watch your demo otherwise your appeal wont be considered at all.
The shooting wasn't even close to being justified nor did the mayor ever tell you ICly to shoot the man and yelling "YOU'RE UNDER GUNPOINT" isn't giving the man 3 warnings. By trying to save the mayors life in that situation you put him under a lot more risk by almost shooting him. I never even mentioned your country in the admin situation neither did I insult you in any way...

I am from denmark, And in anyway i trust the owner more than i do than a member, So i don't even think about your saying is truth, I want a demo or something if he tells, As evidence, I rarely believe someone that slanders a person thats a owner.
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