Unloading of a firearms's magazine

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Kongeriket Norge
Topic: Unloading of firearms

Short explanation
(in notes):
-New system for taking a magazine out of a firearm.
-Individual key for unloading magazines and reloading.
-No need for magazine to not be full.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
At the moment, in order to unload a magazine from a firearm, at least one bullet must be missing for the magazine to be full, and you must have no other magazines of the same type in your inventory, this system is in my opinion bad, as if you were to unload a firearm for whatever reason, you'd need to store or drop any magazines you might hold, and if your magazine is full, you would have to fire at least one bullet.

Optional additions:
The system is that you need to reload which means being in attack stance and running a store in the bazaar like I do is a bad idea. Unloading magazines should be not waving a gun in someones face making them think you are about to shoot them. I think this is needed for clearing weapons and preventing sweater vests from accidently shooting you because they are trying to unload the gun and yes it has happened to me at one point.

Would support this completely.
Always getting raided for shooting a bullet to unload the mag. Always ends up in OOC situation.
You have my support.
I accidentally loaded my 5 MP5's with full magazines, i had to go down to the docks to unload a bullet into the water so i could unload the damn magazine.

Then when i got back i re-loaded on accident so i had to make that entire trip again.

Clearly... This is necessary so I'l just go full on +Support in this shit.
And also, emptying mags is a thing IRL, please please bring it ingame aswell. Other then this, I just shot a deagle to empty it like 5 mins ago.

I take all credit for the new system. :phteven:
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