Update Log - 01/09/2022


Reaction score
Leeds, England.

Update Log 01/09/2022

A small update today to keep you guys going before some larger updates in the near future.

Rogue Magazine (First Issue):
There's a new magazine in Paralake, created by our very own @BigRossKane. Rogue Magazine offers some great content highlighting the hidden gems and goings-on throughout the server. There may be more of these in the future, so get this issue at Jennifers while you can!

New cars:

As suggested by @The HitMan a while back, there's a few cars included in TDM which have not yet been added to the server. I did quite a bit of testing with all of them, but the only ones worth adding were Bowler EXR-S, Golf GTI 2014 and Land Rover Defender. Other cars which have been suggested which were not added in this update have their own individual issues preventing this, these are likely to be the final TDM cars added to the server. I have however been experimenting with other car packs, which seem to work relatively well so we will look to add some of those as soon as possible.

The Bowler & Golf can be purchased at the Car Dealer, for a limited time the Land Rover Defender can be won on the wheel at Harlem's Casino.

Other noteworthy updates:
  • An option to enable an automatic handling of linear interpolation to offer a smoother experience with busier populations has been added to the options menu (this is enabled by default)
  • A portable wardrobe has been added for future events
  • Recently updated laws will now be announced via the broadcast system
  • Blackjack table should no longer be the cause of many lua errors
  • Models should no longer randomly clip infront of textures
  • Some qol improvements for staff tools
  • Help chat timer is now 10 seconds, instead of a minute
  • Many other bug fixes

Thanks to @Fredy @Lelios1 @Bolli @TinySlayer @A1L @Dank
Like others have said is there is a reason it is a limited vehicle? Are the odds decent?
A small update this morning will fix a few bugs found with the new cars -
  • Some vehicle sounds not working
  • Cars being nocollide after being tiered
  • Handling smoothed out with the LR Defender, slowed it down a little on 2x upgrade.
  • Made the suspension a little more springy/heightened for upgraded defenders.