Update Log - 02/06/2021

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Update Log - 02/06/2021

A map hotfix has gone live today in order to fix a few things from launch.
Here are the changes:
  • A couple of props in the hospital are no longer floating.​
  • One of the smokestacks' hitbox no longer extends to the interior of Parker.​
  • The bank interior is slightly brighter.​
  • Added a missing zebra crossing at suburbs.​
  • Removed some fire hydrants (there were too many of them!)​
  • Added a few street bollards in places cars shouldn't be able to drive to (examples include docks, small city park and business shops).​
  • The city hall balcony handrail's hitbox now matches the model.​
  • You can no longer drop items inside the PD toilets since the doors can not be opened.​
  • The taxi depot was added to the skybox.​
  • The path to the rear door at hungriges was widened, a wall was also added inside to hopefully make it slightly easier to raid.​
  • The stop sign at the fire department was removed.​
  • Regals 1's front door was fixed.​
  • A yield sign was added on railway street.​
  • The door with the missing lever at Glass Co. no longer has a missing lever.​
  • The lobby seats had a small facelift.​
  • Other minor fixes.​

There were also some content changes which are the following:
  • The battering ram has a new texture.
  • New road spikes model which now has a proper swep and animations.
  • The beer bottle now properly follows your hand when you drink beer.
Other updates since the last log (some of these have been live for a while):
  • Added chemical table positions to the Wood Cabins
  • Allowed more items into the casino
  • Added an opt-out option to the casino
  • Improved the shroom spawn logic, spawn rate and value
  • Redesigned the map zone logic to make it more consistent
  • Reduced the stopping power of all wooden props
  • More organisation experience is earned from stealing rival vehicles
  • Wheel clamps can be picked with a crowbar
  • Fixed issues with water rates and yields
  • Fixed new player scaling on tickets
  • Fixed some broken doors
  • Fixed shop signs blowing up
  • Fixed various casino bugs
  • Fixed various other Lua errors
A hotfix for the hotfix will go live (hopefully) tomorrow to fix some leaks, displacements, a floating sign and some weird shadows next to church.

If you are aware of a bug, regardless if it's for the map or not, please do report it if it hasn't been reported already so it can get fixed. Sometimes even obvious things can be missed.
Friday bonus bug fixes:
  • Added (TM) (C) and (R) replacements in chat
  • Added emergency alerts for reconnected handcuffed players
  • Made police job join hints less spammy for experienced players
  • Refactored teleportation code to be more consistent and less likely to cause sticking
  • Created an automatic sync method to handle floating heads
  • Fixed wildfire spawns for v5
  • Fixed various explosion interactions with vehicles and chairs
  • Fixed show NPC bubbles option (thanks @Creepis for reporting the most critical of issues)
"Added a few street bollards in places cars shouldn't be able to drive to (examples include docks, small city park and business shops)."

Thank you :)

To the street racers who said "BUT BUT ITS FOR CAR ESCAMPLE OR POLIS CAMP INTERSECTIN!!!" stfu idc i want to sit in the cozy park without seeing an escalade roll through it every 5 minutes just because its a shortcut
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