Update Log 14/09/2021
The changes are already live on the server!
Government Changes
- Made the Police Mercedes SLS AMG available for RTU sergeants and above
- Made it so sergeants can see people's vehicles in the police computer
- This was previously restricted to Lieutenants and above
- Re-added pistol sights for Senior Officers and above
- Made it so that firefighters can pick up first aids equipment at the PD
Other Changes
- Released a completely rewritten version of SCAMBans
- Updated development credits in the F1 menu
- Moved the NLR text when you open the inventory
- Increased the max characters in a shop sign from 50 to 55
- Made changes to the sea monster
- Improved the text area in the messenger app
- Added font scaling for the animation menu
- Added transaction notes to the Bank App
- Made it so that the cost to get your vehicle out of impound depends on how many times you've upgraded the vehicle
- Improved some vehicle-related code
- Made it so that BlackJack keybinds are disabled while typing in chat
- Added a Steam Name checker that will kick anyone with an unacceptable steam name
- Enabled two more organization levels to add a buffer so you do not lose the last perk so easily
- Added restriction zone to the casino tables
- If you stand on them, it will throw you off
- Fixed display size of the snake app
- Fixed issues with the bazaar store signs
- Fixed several inventory errors
- Fixed the name of the Farm Property
- Fixed issue where some god stick items would duplicate in the menu
- Fixed error when calling people that were joining the server
- Fixed error when being in an unowned vehicle
- Fixed text issue with the police computer unassign from incident button
- Fixed the incorrect Internal Affairs link that were displaying when talking to the NPC at the PD front desk
- Fixed item counting on the god stick
- Fixed issue where you would face weapon-related issues if you sat down at a piano while having a weapon out
- Fixed issue where the server would take money even if your new name was rejected
- Fixed Ornament position for the C4
Huge thank you to those who have created suggestions, and bug reports! And to those who have helped us test!