Update Log 20/10/2021 - Halloween

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Update Log 20/10/2021 - Halloween

Another small but amazing update brought to you by @Fredy @Madda and @Samuel

  • You can as usual,
    • Buy hats and costumes at the Creepy Tree
    • Grow pumpkins
    • Craft Candy Packages
    • Craft Jack-O'-Lanterns
  • You can now purchase a pumpkin ornament for a couple of vehicles
    • u63VwPc.png

Other Changes
  • New Players will now receive money instead of Premium when winning free Premium on the wheel at the casino
    • This is so they do not lose the free Premium they get for being a new player.
  • Improved the chat filter
    • More words have been added
    • Players using banned words will after x amount of times be kicked from the server
    • Players using banned words in OOC will after x amount of times be blacklisted from OOC
    • Players will now receive a notification if their message is removed
  • Increased test drive time to 5 minutes
  • Removed /me when breaking someone out of cuffs
  • Expanded the options for Generic Events
    • This will allow @Efan and @Tyla Jai to do more events without code changes

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed road spikes being deployable from mid-air

Some additional information

As usual, we will run random events up until Halloween. These will be run by the Community Team, so expect more information in regards to that.

Core Development Team Looking For Help
We currently only support vehicle ornaments for 27 out of a total of more than 150 vehicles. This is something we which to change, we would like to add ornament support for more vehicles, and then add more ornaments so you can customize your vehicles more. So we are looking for a couple of people who can help us set ornament positions for a couple of vehicles. This is rather easy as we have a UI for it. We understand if you aren't interested in doing 150 positions, so just doing a couple is fine. So if you are interested in helping, PM me. And anyone that helps will receive some kind of in-game reward.
Can we get a list of the "bad" worlds in a spoiler so people Dont have to see it. I would personally like to see what we are and not allowed to say. Considering alot of people have different opinions on what is and should be allowed to what isn't allowed. For example the word "bitch" wasn't allowed.
I would also like to add that I was just warned for asking for a "minigames" event....
Can we get a list of the "bad" worlds in a spoiler so people Dont have to see it. I would personally like to see what we are and not allowed to say. Considering alot of people have different opinions on what is and should be allowed to what isn't allowed. For example the word "bitch" wasn't allowed.
I would also like to add that I was just warned for asking for a "minigames" event....
I call shenanigans. Or at least I would but the bad word filter won't let me say it.
Can we get a list of the "bad" worlds in a spoiler so people Dont have to see it. I would personally like to see what we are and not allowed to say. Considering alot of people have different opinions on what is and should be allowed to what isn't allowed. For example the word "bitch" wasn't allowed.
I would also like to add that I was just warned for asking for a "minigames" event....
The word "bitch" has not been on the chat filter recently. I am not going to post a list for two reasons, 1) We should not have to tell you what words shouldn't be used in chat, it should be obvious that you are not allowed to use words like "ni**er" or "fa**ot", 2) A list will just result in people trying to bypass the filter by changing letters.
The word "bitch" has not been on the chat filter recently. I am not going to post a list for two reasons, 1) We should not have to tell you what words shouldn't be used in chat, it should be obvious that you are not allowed to use words like "ni**er" or "fa**ot", 2) A list will just result in people trying to bypass the filter by changing letters.
But instead Words such as minigames will get my warned and banned for using it. This is the reason I am asking for a list of these words. Even people like A1l was laughing about it. I understand its more of a bug and it shouldn't of warned but it still did. And if people loophole it and bypass it just warn them to? Alot of words you consider mean and offensive alot of people don't. The reason "bitch" was removed was because it was questioned in shoutbox and everyone laughed about it. Then it was suddenly taken off the filter.
But instead Words such as minigames will get my warned and banned for using it. This is the reason I am asking for a list of these words. Even people like A1l was laughing about it. I understand its more of a bug and it shouldn't of warned but it still did. And if people loophole it and bypass it just warn them to? Alot of words you consider mean and offensive alot of people don't. The reason "bitch" was removed was because it was questioned in shoutbox and everyone laughed about it. Then it was suddenly taken off the filter.
"bitch" has never been in the chat filter. I just checked the history fo the code. And the "minigames" has been fixed, reasons for it happening was as the word "ni*a" is within "minigames".

As I said, we are not posting a list with the filtered words :)
To craft candy, you need pumpkins.

You grow pumpkins by getting pumpkin seeds at the docks pub, then placing them on any kind of soil. Good place for those that are also safe to do is suburbs houses. It takes around 10 minutes, and then some more for the grass around pumpkins to disappear once they're picked up. (5 per batch).
Afterwards, when they grow, pick up the pumpkins, press F1 -> Mixtures -> Halloween and craft candy packages. Left click on a candy package in your inventory and get a random number of candies (1-3).
Store them, and you can purchase customes at the Creepy Tree.
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