Update Log - 28/04/2020

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Update - 28/04/2020
The following changes went live this morning.​

Bug fixes/Changes @TinySlayer @Samuel and @Bolli have worked on include:

  • The City Hall will broadcast information about any motions that are open on paralake.city. I will be adding a few motions for Law Reform later today, which you will be able to vote on from tomorrow.
  • Restructured a large number of the SCAM Permissions to full enable recent changes
  • Baseball Bats can now break glass
  • Added the option to get a players Steam ID from their username. This will be useful for gifting Premium and ARs. All players can do this by using !steamid <nick> in chat. This only works for steam names and not RP names.
  • Added an option to change the volume of the Piano
  • Decreased the volume of the Piano when far away from it
  • Fix a typo in the armoury
  • Fixed issue where players could pick up event weapons when they are not in the event
  • Fixed respawning issue in Battle Royale
  • Fixed ragdolls never despawning in some events
  • Fixed issue where people sometimes didn't have names above their heads
  • Fixed issue where roadspikes would cause a large number of errors
  • Fixed various other Lua errors
Found a bug? Report it at https://perpheads.com/forums/bug-reports.345/.

Big thanks to the following people,

@Samuel - Testing
@Ayjay - Spelling
I Mean, It also says 'Fix a typo'. Surely it should say 'Fixed a typo in the armoury'.
All I remember seeing it clientsided differently to another person ingame? (could been another issue though, dont change that often
if we’re gunna talk about errors, let’s talk about how the ambulance has been called a crown Victoria since even before I joined.
Yeah it its a weird bug. It hasent happened to me since the day I found out about it. I think its when you buy the clothing it doesnt show when you exit the mirror. After relogging you should be able to see the clothing. Well thats what happened with me anyways.
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