Useful tips and tricks for Gmod

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This is just a simple guide for people who don't know how to do certain things in the server or in gmod itself. It's not very long but it aims to help as many people as it can.
These tips use the console for gmod, so make sure you have it enabled!

All commands should be written without the ' '.

Ever had that issue where a sound just keeps repeating? Even though it doesn't need to anymore? All you have to type is 'stopsound' in console. All this does is stop all sounds for that second. Don't worry, any ambient sounds or any other sounds will continue once they are played again!

For those times when something happens, such as a shop burns down or there is blood splattered everywhere, you can use the 'r_cleardecals' command. All this does is clear any decals that are currently in the map.

Ever wanted to know what your fps is in certain areas, but don't want to constantly enable and disable the steam overlay? Use 'cl_showfps 1' and then when you want to disable it just switch the 1 out for a 0. For a more in depth representation of most things (such as ping) use 'net_graph 1', with the same method for removing it.

Do you have either a fairly slow computer or bad internet, which makes joining the server a hassle when it's full as it takes a long time to start connecting once it detects there is a slot? No worries, all you have to do is type 'connect' in console, enter the command and then once it says "Server is full" you press enter, then up arrow and then enter again to rekey the command. This means that you're more likely to be joining the server when a slot becomes available, so that you'll join ASAP (This doesn't speed things up for people with a fast join speed).

Type 'status' in console to get a complete list of everyone connected and their steam IDs.

Yes, I know that a majority of you probably know these, but I have still come across my fair share of people who don't. This is to help them.

These are the ones I know. If you have any others then feel free to add them into the comments and i'll edit this to include them.
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