V6 guns and weaponry

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i want to share with everyone hot take idea about manufacturing but I didn’t do it through a suggestion because a discussion seems more appropriate to actually discussing the idea and possibly refine it to be liked by more people.

In V6

If heisting, assuming more crime is introduced, would provide a chance to get a blueprint as a part of your reward in the end to unlock the recipe for high grade weaponry. That would make gun manufacturing far more interesting. Not everyone can just afk craft up to an AS50 and a whole market is opened for blueprints as well as exclusive weaponry unique to the educated crafter that produces them or the org that exports them.

Ex. Trades between orgs will be more common as certain orgs will have exclusive access to the knowledge required to produce an AK but if they want Sakos they’ll have to negotiate a transaction with another org or start doing heists where eventually they get the blueprint.

This is idea isn’t set in stone and there’s a million variables that can be tweaked, there was too variants I thought of:

A) Basic guns and melees need no blueprint, only grenades; snipers and rifles along.

B) All guns are locked behind a blueprint requirement but melees are made available.
Or we keep a system that isn’t broken.
Can you please go in more detail? I made the discussion to know how people feel but also to get constructive criticism on the idea itself through other perspectives.
Can you please go in more detail? I made the discussion to know how people feel but also to get constructive criticism on the idea itself through other perspectives.
I don’t think we should be forcing people to be grinding crimes just to be able to craft guns when the current system is already a lengthy and expensive grind process. Especially since so few skill based activity gamers who would be stealing these would actually actively sell these blueprints. I also find it arbitrary in terms of both realism and gameplay. Where’s the logic in STEALING schematics and risking my life and freedom when I can go to a public library or the internet and find out how to fully assemble an automatic rifle in my shed?

What if I have schematics to make an M4A1? Why would that stop me being able to make an SR25?

Having items only attainable by some skill based system would artificially inflate the price of weapons and these schematics and allow players to monopolise bazaar again.
I don’t think we should be forcing people to be grinding crimes just to be able to craft guns when the current system is already a lengthy and expensive grind process. Especially since so few skill based activity gamers who would be stealing these would actually actively sell these blueprints. I also find it arbitrary in terms of both realism and gameplay. Where’s the logic in STEALING schematics and risking my life and freedom when I can go to a public library or the internet and find out how to fully assemble an automatic rifle in my shed?

What if I have schematics to make an M4A1? Why would that stop me being able to make an SR25?

Having items only attainable by some skill based system would artificially inflate the price of weapons and these schematics and allow players to monopolise bazaar again.
Thanks for the input.

my OP isn’t about agreeing or disagreeing. I’m not trying to argue with anyone I just shared the idea to get opinions and criticism on it lol
I don’t think we should be forcing people to be grinding crimes just to be able to craft guns when the current system is already a lengthy and expensive grind process. Especially since so few skill based activity gamers who would be stealing these would actually actively sell these blueprints. I also find it arbitrary in terms of both realism and gameplay. Where’s the logic in STEALING schematics and risking my life and freedom when I can go to a public library or the internet and find out how to fully assemble an automatic rifle in my shed?

What if I have schematics to make an M4A1? Why would that stop me being able to make an SR25?

Having items only attainable by some skill based system would artificially inflate the price of weapons and these schematics and allow players to monopolise bazaar again.

Well less that they would monopolise, more that the prices would be dictated by the Seller, it just shifts money around some more - these big crafting giants that are capable of doing it all (myself included) would need to seek out a recipe which only a handful of people would have.

I'm massively in favour of this, it means that there would be a shift in firearm prices (one which is mainly based on player decision rather than static material values) which is yet another money sink for the big players with gazillions in the bank and it would give a chance that a player who's only got a Mini Cooper would shit a golden egg from finding the only AS50 recipe in the game at that point, making it worth millions.
Well less that they would monopolise, more that the prices would be dictated by the Seller, it just shifts money around some more - these big crafting giants that are capable of doing it all (myself included) would need to seek out a recipe which only a handful of people would have.

I'm massively in favour of this, it means that there would be a shift in firearm prices (one which is mainly based on player decision rather than static material values) which is yet another money sink for the big players with gazillions in the bank and it would give a chance that a player who's only got a Mini Cooper would shit a golden egg from finding the only AS50 recipe in the game at that point, making it worth millions.
this would be an okay idea if the economy was reset (which will never happen), so this could only be implemented with new weapons rather than pre-existing unless fredy is okay with deleting every single player's as50s
Even then, this idea is kinda strange for PERPHeads imo and kinda brings in some of the bad that servers like Monolith have. I don't want to have to grind out a specific mission or type of activity just to get the ability to craft something, if the item is sparsely found/unlocked and not permanently unlocked for the person who unlocks it. The fact that everyone on the server will be competing for this item could overshadow a lot of the RP in PERPHeads and just make it a numbers game, much like Monolith from my short time playing it. The current system is fine, in my opinion. Play Monolith for 4 hours and you'll come back to PERPHeads feeling extremely grateful for what we have in place, and that's speaking from experience.
yeah bro i would just love being prim locked with a ppk and then being forced to do bank vs the 25 other cops with better guns
Well less that they would monopolise, more that the prices would be dictated by the Seller, it just shifts money around some more - these big crafting giants that are capable of doing it all (myself included) would need to seek out a recipe which only a handful of people would have.

I'm massively in favour of this, it means that there would be a shift in firearm prices (one which is mainly based on player decision rather than static material values) which is yet another money sink for the big players with gazillions in the bank and it would give a chance that a player who's only got a Mini Cooper would shit a golden egg from finding the only AS50 recipe in the game at that point, making it worth millions.
Making guns too much of a valuble asset would encourage further rulebreaks in terms of stealing or saving them. Knowing you can just replace an AS50 at any Aldi Sudd bazaar shop rather than turning them into some unobtainium and further restricting their fair use to only immensely wealthy players would do PERP absolutely no favours. Marksmanship was a prime example of a huge forced artificial skill boost for wealthy and experienced vs newer players and its removal, alongside the almost nonexistent desire for players to want that feature back shows just how popular such an addition would be.
Making guns too much of a valuble asset would encourage further rulebreaks in terms of stealing or saving them. Knowing you can just replace an AS50 at any Aldi Sudd bazaar shop rather than turning them into some unobtainium and further restricting their fair use to only immensely wealthy players would do PERP absolutely no favours. Marksmanship was a prime example of a huge forced artificial skill boost for wealthy and experienced vs newer players and its removal, alongside the almost nonexistent desire for players to want that feature back shows just how popular such an addition would be.

I don't play PERP anymore, so I don't care, I just know from the first two lines that your sentence composition makes me want to vomit
Too much detail for a gmod server, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
I understand Clarkys argument 100% from a staffs perspective and it would lead to more people breaking 3.4 in my opinion.