Voice acting

'£7 for sexual content'

Plus a 1 month wait as he finds a time where his parents aren't home...
Can we have some free samples of voice acting? I want to know what i'm paying for before i pay tbh..
"Please note I have the right to change a script."

"If you are not satisfied there will be no refunds."

So if you change the script without the customers consent and he doesn't like it you won't refund him because of your screw up? Or if I am satisfied I could still make a refund and keep the audio file as you did not include this in the T&C?
Chargeback time, that's not how you do business at all.

Oh, please do @Alex_:D suggestion, I'll pay upfront.
Might as well rename this thread to:

Advert: Looking for cyberbullies.
If you want voicing I sound like the depressed guy that does voicing for school audio based tests. Also can swear constantly for free as I am from Norfolk.
I will read any speech by Hitler/Stalin/A Hated Figure in society LIVE for $100 In-Game. I will not recite anything anybody that people like has said, for instance, everyone likes me so i will not recite anything i have said.

P.S: I can do a great Don Carleone and a great Down-Syndrome impression.

just got this for free, turns out the link you send us we can download, no need to pay
"I'm well known in the acting community"

Yeah you "act" like you know how to ;D
Why does he mention "Sexual Content" multiple times, who the fuck would want you to talk "Sexual Content" to them, Like seriously, is this a prank? when is @Bertie going to come out and be like, IT'S A PRANK, YOUR LIVE ON UNIFISHGAMINGHD
If I wanted voiceacting for a server I would hire John Doe cuz his voice is as deep as the black hole Cygnus.

If I would be doing voiceacting I'd do it for free. No offense, but ur acting like that woman in american idol that says that she could be the new american Idol without singing. Also the prices are so expensive, even Joe Baggers is trying to outprice you, but he got a siezure when he saw the reatched his human limit

In conclusion, naw.

this is a joke.