Voices stay within cars

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Voice chat stays within the car

Short explanation:
Currently, you are easily able to hear anyone, from a great distance when they are talking while inside a car, I would like this changed.

Detailed description:
I feel that a lot of people gain information they are not supposed to get, because they can magically hear what everyone around them are saying, even within cars. This is most notable when a police officer is trying to ask about a car he thinks is warranted, the possible suspect can hear what the cop is saying, therefore speed off, call friends and overall use that information to his own good.

Optional additions:
-Add it so that /radio messages and normal text chat also stay within the car.
-/yell from inside a car should be able to be heard
-Add a function to roll down windows (not sure can be done visually), so as you are able to speak and hear outside the car.
Definitely agree with this. However one suggestion would be to have a loud speaker for police vehicles so that they can instruct one to pull over. It is a lot to be asking for and probably is a little tedious but at least fixing the problem of having people hear you talking outside of your car from across the road.
If people hear It they are breaking the rules, so its not really necessary. Plus it would take a long time to make if using a radius system. A bypass could be working out who's in the vehicle seat.

Maybe something that should be added or trialed when other things have been made.
This reminds me very much of the same problem that is faced by tear gas grenades and such. While I understand the frustration of people being able to hear things they shouldn't, unfortunately we have no way to control the volume of how loud someone speaks, only who can hear them. So it reminds me because, it needs to be heard from outside direct line of sight, but not necessarily through walls or outside the car. While a tear gas needs to seep around corners which aren't in direct view of the emission point, but not go through floors or doors. Additionally only the client can detect the volume of how loud someone speaks, while who hears a person speaking is controlled via the server, so going based on volume would be insanely buggy. But if we did only within direct line of sight it would create serious issues where you'd be talking to someone, step in front of your car or whatever going to the driver's door, they would suddenly stop hearing you as there's an obstruction in the way. So I'm not sure of any good way this could be done, admittedly it wouldn't be too hard to make it so ONLY people inside a car can hear, but that would lead to other issues, like if you were talking to an officer about a ticket, you could switch between talking outside your car and talking inside without much delay. This would be less than ideal because it'd be like how before we had animations for it, you never knew if someone was actively using it to call for help or in this case, chatting to the person inside the car of how they should attack the officer or whatever.

Making any sort of system that incorporates this is a pain in the ass because of how complex it is as simply line of sight doesn't work for numerous reasons. So I'm not sure what kind of system would really work for this and not be buggy.
If people hear It they are breaking the rules, so its not really necessary. Plus it would take a long time to make if using a radius system. A bypass could be working out who's in the vehicle seat.

Maybe something that should be added or trialed when other things have been made.
On phone don't complain about using comment function.

Exactly what I mean. Unfortunately, source engine is source engine. It is possible to edit, its just a real bastard. There's like 3 or 4 things you can modify In cl_voicechat
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