Organization song
Member List:
Tyrese Jamallkins - Founder and recruitment manager


The Offense Division is the part of the organisation that deals with raids,muggings and all other kind of illegal tasks.

Voltiac's Offense Leader and Arms Supplier:
Offense Underboss:
Jarvic Bishop
Arms supplier(Need atleast 65 firearms):
Offense Members:
Kelly Harrison

The defense part of the organisation is the one dealing with the relations of the organization aswell building defenses, defending the base and so on.

Defence Underboss:
Defence Members:
Christin Milla
Martha Cursed
Background Story
Voltiac was formed after Tyrese Jamallkins recent leaving the organization.
It was then controlled by a new leader; 'Laquisha Jamallkins'.
The organization almost died out and almost every single person in Voltiac betrayed the leader or died out. The old Leader Laquisha Jamallkins dissapeared and was never seen again. But then the old leader Tyrese Jamallkins came back out of no where and put the ropes in his hands again. Now we are straving to get back in the game with all the big Organization’s.

Organization terms of conduct
No raids shall be done if they're not authorized by atleast 2 members in the organization
No mugging will be done if we are not in war with the organization the mugged guy is in.
When you've joined Voltiac the only way to leave is by death since you know too much about the organization.
No stealing from other members in the organisations. If this is done you will be kicked out of the organization wich also means a trip to the docks.
No form of bullying within the organization is accepted.
If an organisation member asks for help, you shall help them.
All information is given from formers of the organization, if it's given by someone else in the organization or just someone else, do NOT trust them!
Dont make enemies with other organizations for no reasons. We try to be a friendly org unless other organizations decide to backstab us or hurt a member of our organization.
No mugging will be done if we are not in war with the organization the mugged guy is in.
When you've joined Voltiac the only way to leave is by death since you know too much about the organization.
No stealing from other members in the organisations. If this is done you will be kicked out of the organization wich also means a trip to the docks.
No form of bullying within the organization is accepted.
If an organisation member asks for help, you shall help them.
All information is given from formers of the organization, if it's given by someone else in the organization or just someone else, do NOT trust them!
Dont make enemies with other organizations for no reasons. We try to be a friendly org unless other organizations decide to backstab us or hurt a member of our organization.
Official allies of Voltiac:
Official enemies of Voltiac:
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