Warning Dispute (Double J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Jamie, Jenga, Reverie
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross, Charlotte McCann, Mortimer Wallace
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824, STEAM_0:0:226875681, STEAM_0:1:84314633

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 5.1 - The user decided to mug another user in a public place (scrapyard).

Why should this appeal be considered?: The mugging areas in the rules are very open to peoples own opinions.
The rule:

Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public

As stated in the rules it stated a mugging should be done in a realistic manner and out of public view. A mugging should not take place on the street.

While in this mugging situation Dashawn drove himself into scrappy covering himself from multiple angles with cars, props and world props.

Where he was mugged.

As it was stated by double J
"[OOC] Double JJ: A Public Area is an area in which any member of the public can gain access without restriction"

This can be stated as every muggable area on the map,
Farm - Can willingly drive in and out
Docks - A really busy place but is allowed to be mugged on? - Double J's reasoning (Scrapyard is a really busy place) But docks isn't?
Hicktown - Can been seen from all highways
DD spots - Office dd is legit on the main road? But is allowed.
All these spots are allowed. But a privately owned place blocked off by multiple things isn't?

Going by what doubleJ has said the only muggable place on the map is inside a private house/shop.

When asking a member of the admin team, he stated this area was allowed to be mugged in when showing him the screenshots of where the user was when he was mugged.


Additional Information: All 3 users was apart of this situation and have been listed in the steam Id's/rp names
its not about whether you temporarily block the view with cars nor how the certain props were there to constrict the view. its about accessibility and how many people would see that in a broad daylight in an area like business where its crowded and busy.
That's why you can't mug people right front of business shops too even tho the area is largely covered by long bushes which restrict the view a lot more than 2 cars
Its a private business, and not a open store? Also its not just the view of cars that we are stating make sit allowed. Its the world props placed there by the map devs. That blocks off the view from the road and from bazzar. As Stated by an admin he agree'ed with what we had said and done. If the mod's and admins agree and cant decide if its allowed or not how the hell is a player meant to know? Scrapyard has been a place you can mug at since I have joined the server, Hell I have been mugged there myself.
if admins go and take another look at the scrapyard they will see how open that area is. i think there is no way that much of an open place (also just beside a road) could be considered non-public since there are far more view-restricted areas where you are not allowed to mug. idk why dom would think its not public but if other admins or SA decide that it is public then warnings should stay since 1- i was prevented from flanking that raid you were conducting at parker 2- a rule break is a rule break 3- its normal for each staff to interpret the rules differently it happens all the time
@Deshawn Tyson Considering an admin thinks what we did was allowed and fine you argument is invalid. Farm is also a very open place but you can mug there, So is subs park. You was well hidden from the public view with the evidence provided in the dispute. If the staff team cant decide if its allowed or not how is a player meant to know. Scrappys has always been a place you can be mugged at for years now.

Here is a line from rule 5.1 (mugging):
Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

When you look at the location in-game, especially from the car wash, you can see that where you were was very open and anyone walking up that pavement could see everything. The concept of blocking the view with a car is an interesting one, but not one we want to begin allowing. From the screenshot you have provided, we are not convinced the entire situation (3 muggers and a victim) would have been completely blocked from sight. Not only this, but by using your cars to block off the person you are trying to mug, you are drawing more attention to the otherwise discreet situation.

Had you gone further up the scrapyard from out of the view of the busy part of the business sector, there would not be a problem. Dom did say this. You visualised this quite well in your "mugging map".
(I would want you to go further back though)

For these reasons, we find the punishment to be valid.

Reviewed with @Hayden
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