Warning Dispute (Ezza)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Mr.Tazz
Your Roleplay Name: Elias Gonzalves
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:586529834

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Ezza and the others from the staff team!

I'm making this as i am unsure of this situation, and how this was a refund, and a lot of other questions.

When i raided with the others, we kept firing every other minute, so the chances of people going in was nearly nothing. We shot and Ezza came in. When i shot ezza i belive he was mid shootout, and he also should have heard me talk to the medic about leaving. When he decides to "peek", i shoot him.

Here is the time stamps from the raid, in the clip where we kill him:
2:18 shots
3:22 he opens door
We threat medic 4:34
4:34 he push out
+ a lot of moaning bodies and walking up and down of stairs, with police cars, and other emergency/flanker vehicles outside.

So as you can see its withn a little over 2 minutes, so he should have alerted himself and not went into the shootout.

We believe that we also heard that same mp5k silenced earier in raid. The amount of bodies and other indicators of a raid was there, so it should have been pretty self indicating that an ongoing shootout was ongoing and that he shouldn't enter. I believe that there was plenty of indications that a raid was ongoing so he shouldnt have went in. Which makes me unguilty of the 2.5 he claims.

Additional Information: In the raid we lost a mp5k with red dot and silencer that i gave back to Ezza for shooting him in the raid.
If you want extra info i would be happy record my demo!
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