Warning Dispute (Misel / Efan)

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Reaction score
North of Ireland
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Misel / Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Mina
Your Roleplay Name: Kian Wolf
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:437224249

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User killed an police officer over his friend evading a minor sentence. Should've investigated more.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So charlie ran over an Officer at the PD to which he got up and started running for his car, as he did that charlie also ran over another person at intersection to which the officer turned on his lights and went after him. They meet at bazaar and the officer gunpoints him out of his car, cuffing him and bring him to his car. At that point I drive past and he attempts to get into my vehicle so at that point after witnessing him run over an Officer to which he can be jailed for 9.2 he also ran someone over killing them at intersection which he could be arrested for 9.5 as well as evading the officer. Putting all this together I took the decision to run over the officer, kill him then getting charlie to bazaar to get him out of cuffs. I also killed the officer and hid him in my bazaar shop and then leaving the area.

Given the situation and all the relevant information given to me at the time I made a decision to actually help out charlie. I don't know what other information could have been provided given he wasn't just recieving a ticket as he was cuffed and being dragged to the Officers vehicle, given he ran the officer over and then killed someone else the only sentence that he could be given is something over 8 years which means I am allowed to try and help him escape.

Additional Information: https://mega.nz/file/lbxxjKBD#-Q8AZ7-XCV8O16C93YSXlw8-cABgW9R2CbcabpjJFKI

^^ Should be near the start/middle of the demo recording

The officer was very clearly not trying to "ticket" me as he puts it. If an officer was only ticketing me why would he drive down bazzar doing about 90mph and tiering my car. He then gunpointed me out of my tiered car. The officer then told me to put my hands up while gunpointing me and handcuffed me, he then dragged me towards his car then kian came across and ran him over. I geneuinely do not think this officer was trying to give me a ticket, because otherwise why would you gunpoint, tier and detain someone. I killed a person at intersection which the officer will have very clearly seen. He then immediatly shoved his lights on and started chasing me towards bazzar. These are not the actions of someone just wanting to give a ticket.


also just to add if this dispute is denied then 90% of the playerbase should be banned for repeatedly breaking this rule

After watching through your demo, we found 2 things,
1) Clippy purposely reversed his car, turned it and went full throttle into the officer, for little to no reason. You saw this happen, yet killed an officer anyways.
2) You breaking NLR at slums. Not exactly wise to do this, especially when providing a whole demo. You will be receiving a warning for this as it was quite blatant, and you knew you were doing it.

Reviewed with @Mim @Hendricks and Myself.
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