Warning Dispute (Misel)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Misel
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: 《 POGUE 》
Your Roleplay Name: Darry Dickens
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:522285148

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - User decided to flank alone when the inital raid and police incident was obviously over.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I & my friends (Tinky, Butterman561) said they were raiding slums. I was on the wrong way towards slums to flank and I had to turn back and grab a gun. The cops saw I was going the wrong way and didn't let me pass, so I did a U-turn infront of the hospital and went back towards storage. After a while they said "KOS cops slums" in chat, I was at the storage at the time and I grabbed a gun and went to slums immediately as fast as I can. Upon urgunt towards slums, I got out of the car and whilst I was rushing two of the cops came out and I shot one of them. The other one got me and in my view the situation wasn't over, I was just helping my org and urged to slums to KOS cops to be able to assist my org. This is not against 2.5 or 3.4 as I was already committed to doing it and it really wasn't over.

Additional Information: My motive & my point were both valid in this scenario, I was just assisting my org and I was dedicated to doing it. I don't see a reason why this was a warn since I was just helping my org KOS cops...

You are required to provide video evidence, please provide this within 24 hours else it will be denied
i am involved

it was very clear we were packing up to leave the scene was going on for easily 5 to 6 mins at that point and 100 percent of the people were dead and it was clear so due to the lack of gun fire for a good few mins before we seized the firearms

I understand the sentiment behind illustrating the KOS call on organisation chat and this can be confirmed with the logs, however it does not paint us a full picture on what you saw upon arrival at Slums. The reason for the warning includes:
...police incident was obviously over
As such we still require some form of video evidence from your POV to establish what you saw and what you did upon arrival at Slums.

You will be given a further 24 hours from the posting of this message to provide the required video evidence. This can be in the form of a demo file - if you need to know which demo is required, let me know.

I recorded your demo from just before you arrived at Suburbs Storage, where Tinky Starksy says “come raid slums” in organisation chat. I annotated the demo as well with the rough timestamps of when organisation chat was used. I sent this recording to two other staff members and we are all in agreement.

The “kos cops” message by Tinky, was made roughly 2 minutes before you arrived at Slums. Upon arrival there was only one SWAT van – no gunshots – and you heard two instances of moaning. After Tinky sent the “kos cops”, no further messages were sent in organisation chat apart from one made by yourself indicating the arrival of a TFO to which nobody replied. This is because all your organisation members were already dead.

You should have taken far greater efforts to find out whether anyone from your organisation was still alive and whether the police raid was still on-going. You made no attempt to make further contact with any of your organisation members. Upon reviewing the footage as well, as you got out of your car and killed Auris, all the officers in-attendance were no longer inside the apartment. No further shots were fired at any point during your time being in the vicinity of Slums.

Just because someone makes a “kos cops” call in organisation chat does not mean that you should be 100% committed to carrying it out. It is your responsibility to ensure what you are doing is within the Rules and actually provides any benefit to yourself and your organisation. As all of your organisation members were dead and you were severely outnumbered 6:1, all you did was put your life at risk for no tangible benefit. All you did was finish off one cop, causing them to have to wait for 5 minutes, and die immediately.

As such your warning in its entirety shall remain on record.

Reviewed with @Bojing and @blobvis 2.0
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