Warning Dispute (rxsm)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: rxsm
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Falax
Your Roleplay Name: Don Palmer
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:188910710

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: For breaking 3.4, not putting my hands up.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because I believe in this situation i was given around 3 seconds from i first see the guy until he starts pointing his gun another way then he points it at me for around 2 secounds again before he starts shooting. In my eyes i get like 3 seconds to put my hands up then when he stop aiming at me im not gonna put my hands up if hes not aiming at me then im just trying to get away and then he points it at me after a couple of seconds again at which point the shooting starts after that so in my opinion it is unreasonable for me to react to this. Furthermore i could barley hear the guy i just see someone holding a gun as he was whispering and i didnt have my guard up for someone being there.

In my opinion i do not deserve a warning for this, if you disagree please tell me.
Reaction score
The Eras Tour

You were given much more than 3 seconds to comply yet you failed to do so. After seeing the shooter you proceeded to walk away from him while talking instead of actually doing as you were being told.

If you had time to say "don't shoot" 4 times and walk away, you most definitely had enough time to put your hands up as ordered.

Reviewed with @A1L @3izu @Allen Kennedy @Franko
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