Warning Dispute (@Valentine)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Valentine
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: 213
Your Roleplay Name: Christina Jones
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19662238

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - The player as a Police Officer, shot a suspect down who posed no threat at the time, failing to check if it was an actual threat or not

Why should this appeal be considered?: I accidentally shot a player who entered an active shootout (3.4). During the F6 report, this player claimed that he had no knowledge of a shootout at Slums which is a blatant lie. When I first arrived on scene, me and my partners were immediately shot at in the parking lot. This player drove away from the parking lot knowing a shootout was in progress, yet he returned to Slums less than 2 minutes later. As shown in the clip, he was close enough to hear me bandage but decided to enter the building anyways. I realize this info is more appropriate for an AR, but I'm including it in this dispute as it is relevant to this situation. I'm sure this player's demo will show that he was, indeed, breaking 3.4.

I am disputing this warning as I believe a verbal warning could have sufficed, considering this player was breaking a rule. I am not saying that there wasn't anything I could have done differently, but I was in a very vulnerable position being sandwiched by suspects with rifles while actively bleeding and crippled. I understand the player that I shot was unarmed during this incident, but he did pose a threat to my life by entering an area of a shootout, and I did try to identify who I was shooting at before pulling the trigger. The suspect of interest (Jaxxon Woods) who was flanking me from PD had nearly identical features and clothes as the player that I shot. Not to mention, pulling up in a car that sounded the same. I'm not trying to argue that I didn't do anything wrong. However, in such situation, where m/s matter, I did what I had to do in order to protect my life. Had this player not violated 3.4, he wouldn't have died. Mistakes happen, especially when players break 3.4, so I hope a verbal warning will be considered.

Additional Information: Here is a screenshot of what I saw before pulling the trigger:

Here is a screenshot of the suspect that was wanted for murder/flanking me from the PD:

Again, I could've done things differently. I will try to be more careful moving forward, but please understand that none of this would have happened had this player abided by server rule 3.4.

As a police officer you are expected to only use your weapon in case of threat to life. While we appreciate your position and the fact that you got shot prior to shooting the unarmed civilian, we believe that you should've shown restraint and made sure the person coming in was a threat instead of instantly shooting him without any interaction.

While we agree this is a minor infraction of 2.5, the warning given by Valentine is valid.

Reviewed with @3izu and @SamSN
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