Warning point system for toxic behaviour

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Description of the idea:
A new system to battle toxic behaviour on the server. Everytime someone shows toxic behaviour in an OOC sit or in OOC chat, staff members may choose to give them a warning point which will show up in his screen. These point will reset every week and if a player manages to get over a set amount of warning points (discuss amount) in that week he will receive a warning or a ban (discuss punishment) for 1.1.

Maybe Helpers could be the ones handing out these points aswell so they have something to do that could train them for administrative situations if they wish to become Enforcer.

Maybe if a player has a lot of points, he will have less OOC messages or other small punishments that mess with QoL.
- Less messages
- Longer cooldown between messages
- Strict profanity filter for OOC messages. (AS PUNISHMENT********)

Why should this be added? (pros): [description/list of good aspects]
- Toxicity will lower, which means a more enjoyable server.
- Helpers have something to do other than answering /help chat.
- Actually a way to punish toxic behaviour without it being an instant warning for 1.1.
- Players will use their brain before saying something stupid.

What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]
- Server may become too strict.
- They may be given out for an invalid reason.
- Toxicity is a wide term and may be hard to diagnose.
- More effort for Staff Team. (Even though I believe this should not be a problem, you wanted to become a Staff Member, your responsibility).
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I don't think this is really needed, if you're toxic you will get messages deleted, proceeding to OOC timeouts, warnings then bans. I think the entire staff team, me included, are fed up with people being needlessly toxic.
But this doesn't get done, I don't think players are scared of not being able to type in OOC for 30 minutes or their messages getting deleted. I see the same people being toxic every day but they have still not been warned or banned.
But how do you keep track of people being toxic across all staff members without some sort of punishment card for toxic behavior? This only solves the problem then and there, not in the future.
Maybe make it so the more Toxic points you have, the less OOC messages you get?
That could work, maybe even extend the cooldown between your next set of OOC messages?
Either the system in place doesn't work or staff are not enforcing it properly, toxicity is still rife.
I don't know about other staff, but me and Mim are targeting it specifically. If someone is being toxic let a staff member know.
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