Warning Request + Demote his Police Superior

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Czech Republic
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomiko

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Allen

His/Her SteamID:


Why Should This Player Be Punished:
We had some roleplay situation, and he failed in some points you can see below.

1st: Abolsolutely ignoring fact, that I was found there naked and dickless
2nd: Was probably sexist..
3rd: Aboslutely ignoring fact, that they were part of crime and broke laws for example:
8.5: If that drugs would be mine, they were helping me to hide it.
5.2: They killed me, and didnt call a police, which breaks their ''self-defence'', from his talking at admin sit, he said, they reacted on Life alert, that means, they didnt call police.
1.2: Woman, when I got revived, she started calling me piece of shit etc, they didnt care about it.
8.4: Woman took my Colt into her storage, it means, she knew whole situation and took gun.

1.7: Woman said something like that: If I gonna get that deagle, I gonna kill you, that means, she wanted to kill me.

4th: And as final thing: HE LET THEM ALL GO.

Evidence:(Demo Required): http://www.mediafire.com/download/p1v04a616qc9lis/perpheads_demo_2015-3-2_18-03-20.dem

Tick: 20 000 To see aboslutely whole situation. 35 000 Police sit starts.

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Okay, my side, I was called due to Tomiko's life alert, I responded, along with a friend of mine who, to be fair, isn't exactly easy to be around, due to his microphone and general behaviour. I immediately arrested both alive people and they put in claims of self defense, claiming you had shot their friend, and planted drugs in their shop. A medic revived both you and the female you shot without checking DNA AFAIK, however there were baseball bat marks and gunshot holes in the wall of the back room, which did add good evidence to their side of the story, they claimed you had a firearm, which you confirmed was a Colt 1911 handgun, which they presented as evidence later on. also, I believed the drugs were yours due to you, I believe, dropping 5 drug seeds, which did point you out as the probable owner of the drug plant. Although one woman did have a Desert Eagle, which she claimed was for self defense, and on private property, concealed, which is of course, legal. The only major thing I believe I was at fault here for was not taking your /desc seriously, the reason being it was a rather incredulous thing to happen, as well as the fact you may have ignored my /me hands Tomiko a towel to cover himself up. after you seemed not to respond to that, I decided you were most likely "bullshitting" as people may call it, which AFAIK isn't really allowed, so I continued with the situation, during which, you were unhelpful, rather immature, and your story had little to none evidence behind it, so it was inevitable that your story would have been denied for the one that had: Realistic Evidence, More Witnesses, and made the most sense overall.

Although I do apologise for all this, and I do know it is incredibly frustrating when you are arrested like this, but, IC I can only know for myself what happened by what evidence, common sense, and real witnesses who are co-operating with simple answers and producing a valid story that is backed up.

All in all, I could have handled the situation better, I made a few mistakes, but it was a chaotic situation in general, and I apologise for all this.

Also, your claims of me being sexist IC, are frankly, quite immature and make little sense all in all.
Well, in my opinion he's the one of good Police Supervisors but im not able to watch demo so im not here for giving plus or minus support, just a little advises.

Tomiko do you remember Kevin? How people hate him? He was a totally snitch, he was pushibg all roleplay stuff into the ooc and forums and making ban requests on 'em.

At the end, he made a enf. App and got declined, he disappeared after this.

Whatever, my point is just try to deal with him over the steam chat or local ooc AFTER Situation is over.

Getting him banned and demoted from his supervisor rank wont give you a medal.

I hope this request will be declined with all my heart because you guys better stop pushing the situations further that much.

Im telling again, stop pushing the situations further that much, all of you. If @Allen Kennedy get demoted from his Supervisor rank, that will piss me off, he's fucking best at his fucking job like all other supervisors, everyone can do mistakes, we are not robots!!!
Accepted, however only a warning for 2.1 is going to be given. You perfomed the /desc action and Allen did not read it which is kinda understandable that you can miss it out however he should've still dealt with that.

No demotion of his rank will be done.
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