Weapons changes

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/weapon-changes.35462/ thanks @Mage for actually putting in effort so i dont have to, I made some changes though

Main idea:
  • Reduce shotgun pellet damage slightly (forces you to hit all pellets to insta-kill someone in chest without armor unlike now)
  • Add some sort of tick every second once you pull the pin on a grenade/flash
  • Make it so that you have to press E on a timed explosive to start the countdown (this has several benefits)
  • Decrease bullpup weapon reload animation time
  • Make changes to the MAC-11, MP9, MP7, and the Uzi (specifically recoil reduction for MAC-11) in order to bring them in line with other SMGs.
  • Addition of MP7/MP9 extended mag to make them a viable alternative to other SMGs.
  • Add a pistol compensator which reduces the recoil of pistols to the same extent that rifle compensators do for rifles/SMGs.
  • Reduce base recoil of all guns, and reduce maximum marksmanship to 50 (or simply double the rate of current leveling) < end level recoil should still be the same as current level 100
  • Slightly reduce recoil of all 5.56 rifles, but not to pre-nerf levels.
  • Shotgun pellet damage is probably the most tentative idea here as I am unaware fully of the ins and outs of it, but by doing a little bit of testing now you can get away at fairly medium ranges to hit someone with 4-5 pellets and insta-kill them when wearing no armor which is quite shitty as there is no way to avoid this due to shotgun spread and essentially luck. Dependent on if damage drop off would come into effect for shotguns, the pellets should require all 6 to hit beyond a certain range (excl. headshots) as currently against no armor they are super strong, yet vs police they typically require more than 6 pellets to hit and therefore at minimum 2 shots against kevlar'd targets.
  • Currently using a grenade and flashbang can feel a bit troublesome for not only newer players but also players who infrequently use them as they are not fully aware of the timings, by adding an audible (quiet) ticking noise (that gets louder over time?) once the pin is pulled this should allow players to better time the use of these.
  • Not much to say about adding a "check" to be met (by pressing E on the bomb) before a timed explosive starts ticking down other than it seems sensible from a realistic standpoint on the gamemode, and it avoids certain issues such as accidental placement.
  • Bullpups are almost never used over their counterparts and in my eyes need more significant advantages over one another. Currently bullpups have a higher firerate, but this could be argued as a downside due to the recoil, however in my eyes a fair change would be to decrease the time that it takes to reload the bullpup guns and should encourage people to use them more as even though it may seem like a small change, I'm sure it would actually have more impact than it seems.
  • Certain SMGs such as the MAC-11, MP9, MP7, and the Uzi have no real discernible advantages to other SMGs or guns due to numerous factors such as the shooting animation for Uzis making them near-unusable due to the bullets hitting either above or below where you're actually aiming (forgot, it's one of the two), or the MAC-11 recoil completely requiring a compensator, even at 100, and even then full auto is nearly impossible. These would need to be reviewed and balanced in order to bring them in line. Additionally, the armour shred mentioned in the description of the MP7 appears to be non-functional, therefore it's actually much less powerful than people expect it to be.
  • Additionally, there are currently extended magazines for both the MP7 and the MP9 within the game's files which aren't actually craftable. The MP7 extended magazine has 40 bullets and the MP9 extended magazine has 30, which should probably be reversed if they were to be implemented as to not make the MP7 unbalanced along with the armour shred.
  • Addition of pistol compensators would allow for greater use of automatic pistols, as they're currently very hard to spray with even at 100 pistol marksmanship.
  • M4s and other 5.56 rifles have no actual benefit to 7.62 rifles, as 7.62 rifles have basically the same recoil while doing considerably more damage. Obviously I don't see a full revert of the 5.56 changes as a viable option, but a middle ground should be achieved so they actually have advantages over 7.62.
  • Lastly I think that the base recoil of all guns should be reduced to benefit newer players and those who do not have the money to invest into marksmanship in their first few days of playtime. As of right now I'm pretty sure it feels unsatisfying to use automatic weaponry and shotguns as a new players simply because you are punished for having a low marksmanship and as a result are immediately put at a disadvantage (especially as these players have little to no experience with the guns on PH). By reducing the base recoil across the board this should allow newer players to stand a chance against the more experienced players, and also doesn't force them to immediately pour money into the marksmanship ecosystem. As well as that the rate at which you level up marksmanship should be doubled to further bridge the gap between the newbies and the veterans of the gamemode, the end level should still have the same recoil as it currently does however.
  • A wider variety of SMGs should end up being used more as they would actually be viable options for certain situations in place of other SMGs such as the MP5K which tend to appear as the default.
  • Automatic pistols will be much more viable and more widely used.
  • Shotgun doesn't immediately one shot somebody who is not wearing armor and gets caught by only a few pellets
  • Grenades and flashbangs feel more reliable to use by removing the need to time in your head
  • Timed explosives being accidently placed won't cause a shitshow
  • Also won't allow people to just drop timed explosives and immediately run off, this adds maybe a 1 second overall delay between being placed and starting to tick down
  • Bullpups should be looked at as an equally good option of weaponry rather than just an alternative
  • New players don't feel as punished for using rifles and automatic weaponry as well as guns in general
  • Less time and money needed to catch up to the rest of the top end playerbase
  • More variety in choice of rifles, conscious decision made for choosing rifles for defending vs raiding.
  • The "realistic" aspect of using grenades and flashbangs is some-what removed
  • Some weapons may become too strong, but the values can be tweaked with relative ease.
  • some more stuff idk
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Addition of pistol compensators would allow for greater use of automatic pistols, as they're currently very hard to spray with even at 100 pistol marksmanship.
The "C" in Glock 18c stands for "Compensated" as it already has a built in compensator, so in my opinion it should have less recoil than it does.

Certain SMGs such as the MAC-11, MP9, and the Uzi have no real discernible advantages to other SMGs or guns due to numerous factors such as the shooting animation for Uzis making them near-unusable due to the bullets hitting either above or below where you're actually aiming (forgot, it's one of the two), or the MAC-11 recoil completely requiring a compensator, even at 100, and even then full auto is nearly impossible. These would need to be reviewed and balanced in order to bring them in line.

Reduced recoil on the mac 11 would be fucking devastating but it might play a huge balancing factor in the whole cops vs Civ balance debate.

I quite like the server following the example from other immersive video games, where more robust, rustic weapons such as the AK47 do more damage whilst "military" styled weapons such as the M4, M16 and other 5.56 weapons favour less recoil and more accuracy over damage.
My concern is that currently the m4 has basically the same recoil as the ak47/sako so there's no real benefit
Who ever thought; hm you know what we reeeeaaaaalllly need in PERPHeads (a gamemode which is predominantly dictated by skill) is a handicap for players who can aim but don’t want to powergrow for 5 hours a day?
Don’t noobify the game it’s a server where your supposed to grind not get served on a silver playe
The server is meant to be a fun experience and not an MMORPG grind to the top. Being good comes with skill and experience, and that path upwards shouldn't be handicapped because you don't choose to dump almost 1 mil into marksmanship when you start playing (which is a lot of money for a new player). Currently if I raid somebody and lets say he has a rifle, probably without a compensator and below 10 marksmanship, he is put at a disgusting disadvantage as his gun doesn't have the same recoil as mine, and he has less experience with rifles on the server in general. How the fuck is that meant to be fair? I don't mind honestly, if nothing gets done about it I'm not affected what so ever, but I'm sure as hell those new players aren't enjoying getting rolled over constantly and standing no chance because they start off handicapped due to marksmanship having such a big factor.
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I’ve been here since 2015, I’m obviously not the best shooter but I can hit shots. I took a break when the marksmanship update came out, I come back and try to raid or defend my base and I am sat shooting into my roof after 3 bullets. i’m not the type of player to want to sit and grow 5 hours a day everyday of the week so 100 marksmanship would only be achieved from some form of miracle. The compensater obviously helps a little bit but even though im on 60 marksmanship and control my recoil, the second I am against someone like @Mage with virtually no recoil (comp and 100) it’s all upto luck. The people with 100 marksmanship might be equal in skill to me, but that that advantage of no recoil (look at IceKillers video from before) is a game changer.
U still don’t need to sit inside growing all day u can sell guns etc ands it’s not hard to get 1mil that is like 4 days of just growing and fishing and that is how u reach the top it’s realistic rp server it’s not like irl u can shoot a m4 for the first time and hit all ur shots it takes practice like in perp u need to practice aka go to the shooting range am I not right?
Honestly go on an alt account, VPN it up and try play for a week or two without letting people know who you are (so as if you are a new player) and we'll see how much fun you're having (granted you will already have a skewed perspective because you know how to play the server).
U still don’t need to sit inside growing all day u can sell guns etc?

- A new player joining the server is only going to be able to sell low tier firearms. Tell me, when was the last time you bought a PPK?

it’s not hard to get 1mil that is like 4 days of just growing and fishing and that is how u reach the top

- First of all, you never played as a sweater when you came back to marksmanship, you joined Galindo and from there you rimmed your way into a group of friends so you never had to start out from scratch. It is fucking hard to get 1 mil in 4 days if you're new to the server and are doing it on your own. You wanna know how easy it is to grow whilst constantly being raided and it takes forever to go anywhere due to the fact you have a mini cooper if you're lucky. Oh and fishing is out of the question without getting mugged because of people like Eren Walker and the 1 2 Israel Crew.

it’s realistic rp server

- A realistic RP server with a peak of 50 fucking players. The issue with population isn't to do with old players leaving as players always came and went. No, the issue is the fact that there's no one replacing the older players leaving and that's due to the fact it's cancer inducing to grow as you cannot defend yourself due to the fact you have -10 recoil control on top of the fact it's going to cost you all your starter money just to get a rifle.

it’s not like irl u can shoot a m4 for the first time and hit all ur shots it takes practice like in perp u need to practice aka go to the shooting range am I not right?

Fun and enjoyability > Realism down to the smallest detail.

And if you still don't believe it's aids, here's a video from when I first came back to PERP with me trying to shoot vs me spraying after levelling my marksmanship. Also whilst you watch these videos see if you can guess which is which:

All I want to pick out on this is the Mac-11 recoil is fine imo, well I have 100 marksmen for it but the fire rate makes sense for the gun and its I would say currently unrealistic because of the low recoil it has I would guess @Collier will like this thread anyhow? ;)
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