Event Suggestion Week long Roleplay event: The Paralake struggle

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Event Name:
The Paralake struggle
Location of Event:
City wide
Description of Event:

The storyline:
A mayor, acting under the Paralake Christian Right Party , passes new controversial laws, criminalizing involvement in certain political groups, in an attempt to disband a rivalling political group and seize and maintain power over Paralake. He also abolishes practicing religious exercises that aren’t their own twisted version of Christianity , and as such, implements laws plucked from the bible preventing homosexual activity, adultery, indecency, etc. He also put a heavy restriction on the public sale of firearms and other civil liberties, such as free speech, are outlawed.

In lights of this, 120 Paralake residents gathered around a blockade around city hall to peacefully protest against these restrictive new rules. In response to this, the mayor told the chief of department to have undercover ”agents” in the Crowd to turn it into a riot. Upon the riot beginning, the PLPD under direct order of the Chief of department ordered live ammunition be fired against protestors and flashbangs to be thrown into the crowd. Numerous protestors were killed by gunfire and / or trampling injuries.

In light of this, a new group emerged, called the Paralake Liberation Front. The group, with secret safe houses, armed and funded in secret by local businessmen, established in an attempt to liberate Paralake and remove the corrupt regime. However, the PLF are not innocent heroes. They target businesses and people who do not support their cause.

The objectives and missions of the Paralake Liberation Front will be to:
- Carry our planned political assassinations on PCRP politicians, PLCR supportive police command members, spokespeople, and funders:
PLF members will have to make plans on political rallies and events announced via adverts. They will also receive a text from the “insider” who gives them details of the event and clues on how they could use it to their advantage.
- attacks on NPC businesses who do not support their cause:
PLF Members will receive “mission texts”, one of those being Molotov attacks and bombings on PCRP supportive properties, or placing car bombs inside PLCR supporter vehicles. (The vehicle will be one spawned in by the event staff).

The PLF will be a job accessible for this event. Members in plain clothes gear will appear to have green names except to PLF members Similar to how SS agents are undercover with their names.

PLF members will have access to full dark green clothing (similar to the event clothing, but with a dark green colour instead of red / blue), a dark red beret, combat boots, and combat gloves.

ALTERNATIVE IDEA: They could have access

Equipment for the PLF will vary depending on the success of the jobs.

The default arsenal for PLF members will be:
Sig 550 with flash hider and no sight.
M16 with flash hider
- UZI with a microdot
- Mac 11 with a suppressor
- Mossberg shotgun
- Sawed off DB shotgun
Walther PPK with a suppressor

M67 frag grenades, Timed and remote explosives, and C2 may be purchased for use on the job by the armoury NPC and can be resold to them for 75% money back if you don’t use them on the job. These won’t be kept if you leave the job however.

Most Primaries will only be accessible by wearing the PLF combat uniform. Plain clothes PLF members will onky Have access to the sawed off shotgun and the Mac 11 for “assassination“ missions.
Key missions for armoury development will include:

The shipment:
The PLF must head down to the end of the docks to speak to an NPC on the boat. The NPC has a shipment of AK74U’s, AK47’s, Makarov PM’s, and Mk.ii grenades, smuggled in from Afghanistan after the fall of the Soviet Union. They must then return to a random safe house with the shipment to receive access to said firearms. The challenge here is the PLPD will be made aware of the shipment once the van leaves the docks.
The delivery:
A black, armoured courier van is heading from docks to PD at 10 miles per hour with a police escort of 2 pistol cops. The van itself contains 2 security workers armed with MP5Ks. The PLF must intercept this shipment, disable the van, and steal the “package” in the trunk, and bring it to wood cabin 2, a PLF safe house. Completion of this mission will give the PLF access to the Remington M24 sniper rifle, MP5A4, M9, glock, and Sig P226 til the next server restart.

Other scenarios:
The farm raid:

The farm is the central point for the PLFs base of operations. The PLPD will initiate a raid on the farm. Cops will have no NLR when they die at farm and will keep responding. The scenario ends Once either:
-The PLF defend successfully against 4 waves of cops
-The cops win

police chief assassination:
The chief of police is returning from a “secret“ meeting being escorted in an armoured van. 2 PLF members will be given M82s and the rest whatever weapons they have access to. The chief of police must be killed for the PLF to receive a fair cash bonus split amongst the surviving members.

Funder kidnapping:
The objective here is to break into the home of a government funder and supporter, and “try to convince” him to change his mind and denounce the government.

Kill the snitch:
The follow up to the farm raid. A captured PLF member is giving away secrets to the PLPD. The mission here is to capture a specific police officer and take them to wood cabins 2 for interrogation. The officer will tell you the name of the snitch, and that he is locked inside the PD Holding cell. The PLF must find a way to kill the snitch, be it through a sneaky raid, or a full on PD raid.

Kill the mayor:

The PCRP have numerous politicians to replace any fallen mayors. Mayoral assassination missions will be set up differently every day.

PLF Rules:
When carrying out an attack on a marked NPC property, they must announce who they are before they do it, giving civilians the opportunity to get out the property before it is bombed or burnt.
PLF members are encouraged to threaten and harm people who are actively speaking against their cause. They cannot mug other players, not can they blatantly kill or destroy there property. Intimidation tactics over blatant murder, as is the way with roleplaying
Combat uniform PLF members may fire upon police on sight if doing a mission involving terrorism. They may also shoot police if they get discovered during a robbery or gun running mission.
You will not be able to play as a PLF member for more than 3 hours a day. This allows others to partake in the event.
PLF can’t raid or counter raid civilians or cops unless it’s part of the pre planned event.

PLPD rules:
Police may only identify someone as a PLF member if they have entirely reasonable suspicion to believe so.
PLF weapons won’t be seizable For cash. However, For every PLF member they arrest, police receive a $500 bonus each.
Use of force policies still apply when dealing with terrorists.
Paralake Police department officers should hold their opinions to themselves but may refuse to enforce the “new” laws. Police officers may also spread information to the PLF and assist them.
Being corrupt and refusing to enforce the event laws will NOT Affect your PLPD career and IAs in regards to not enforcing the event laws, or informing the PLF of police plans and information, regardless of circumstance, will not lead to any PLPD punishments spanning beyond the event.

People will apply to play certain roles. The general requirement should be:
- You must have a good recent history
- Staff members must believe that you can play a role
- You must have good acting skills and the ability to stick to the plan of the event

Also, all scenarios will be manually set up.

The PLF will be a job of course, you apply for it at the Farm.

Why should this event be added?:
- a fun, week long event that could bring miles of fun for players
- A different feel to the game mode.
- Even after the event, the roleplay aspect could stick around, having civilians roleplay as survivors of the civil war with stories to tell or secrets to keep

TL;DR Version:
The government becomes pretty fucking mean.
A new job is added where you play as a terrorist faction launching a terror campaign against the government and its supporters. The job will scale dynamically with how many cops are able to go on duty.
Staff will create "Missions" Which upon completion will award the terrorists with access to different guns and payment.
All just a big role play situation.
Everything else will be normal more or less other than a war on terror happening.​
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I will try assembling a video of the types of scenarios that will play out during this event and make a cinematic trailer for it.

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