What are your PC specs?

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The garden
Hello, I am currently trying to build a gaming PC and I was wondering what are people’s specs and what FPS do they get?

My PC gets 40-50 fps when there are lots of people in the server and literally 10-15 fps if I am lucky 20 when in combat.

Post your PC specs and how much fps you get when the server has many people in it and when you are in combat.
i have a ryzen 7 1700X (i would advise getting the newer series of ryzen), a GTX 1080 and 16gb ram. I may add getting an SSD to put gmod and windows on will increase your fps too.
i get 60-50fps at peak times and 100-120fps when theres less than 50 players.
Being tagged again, oof.
CPU is most important for this wack game. Would be nice if people shared some benchmarks in PERP even if its hard to do.
To see how much FPS I'm getting I suggest you go in my unlisted section and pick a PERP video out. Look at the top left for a FPS counter https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlTMmKj7j5PfJuUmyyUC4ycqrQuM5ragX
Playing on 64 Bit.
Ryzen 5 1600 OC to 3.8 Ghz, Noctua NH-D14 keeps it at 60°C so its not even getting throttled.
GPU is some ASUS RX580 undervolted but GPU does jack shit.
16GB RAM @3000MhZ, speed is important for Ryzen and impacts performance by a bunch. Same for timings but I havent touched those yet.
Game is installed on some nvme m.2 samsung ssd, helps a bit with the lag spikes.

Refer to my post in your previous thread if you plan on upgrading.
My suggestion is for you is getting q rtx 1660 with a i7 6700k, then get 16gb 4000mhz, make sure get a fast ssd since it needs to load a lot on perp, this should by budget enough and get you upgrade room for a rtx2080
Literally 000000 reason to get an I7 6700k, an I3 8350k outperforms that thing.
get an I7 9700k if you want to join the 100 fps masterrace
I may be getting the i7-8700. Not the overclockable version. With that much fps do you ever experience dsync or crazy hitboxes?