What criminal mission would you like ?

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Today I was playing PAYDAY 2 and I saw that heists required you to buy contracts which setup a deposit. I remembered how PERP does something like that by paying bank guy 5k for the XQ Bank contract/mission. I think this concept can be expanded on more by referencing the contract system in PAYDAY 2 to influence more organized crime and creative ways for org's to gain org xp. What's coolest is this suggestion above is UNDER DEVELOPMENT so I opened this thread for people to discuss if they wish about what missions/contracts they'd like to see added?
It has been 8/9 years since we got Paralake and you still can't rob the Jennifer's store from their jewelry, even something small-ish like 10-20K would make it worth for a solo heist if you have a gun to throw away. Spend x amount of time inside the store or do an animation where you steal them from the displays, hope the cops are slow or plan it when they're busy and make your escape. Should still warrant you however just like a bank raid or make it so the cops have access to witness information from NPCs.
To piggyback I was personally hoping for more options if it were to be a thing. Either hostage it out and deal with way more cops or smash and grab for less money and less risk.

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