What I consider to be the best weapons of each weapon class.

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Hello, Today I will be going over what I consider to be the best and worst weapons of each class on the server.

I will demonstrate the weapons soon in a video.

- Just because I say a weapon is the worst of its class on the server, does not make it a bad weapon.
- This is just from my opinions and asking around. If you disagree with anything I say here, Sorry for your loss dude.

General rule with choosing a weapon:
- The higher its calibre, the more likely it is to have a low capacity. This rule plays out generally more for pistols but is apparent in SMG's and Rifles too.
- Low damage per shot is essentially negated by high fire rates combined with easy controllability.
- Unlike most games, suppressors here do not reduce damage as far as I'm aware and the only tradeoff in terms of balancing them is they cost money to acquire and make the guns more expensive to lose.
- The AK-47 and M4A1 might be the general meta in terms of which rifles to use, but keep in mind that theres plenty of other weapons that are fucking sick to use.
- Weapons that have high capacities and rates of fire literally piss money away.

Melee weapons:
Not very useful in actual combat unless you gain an element of surprise against your opponent or if used in numbers. Melee weapons offer the benefit of giving very high damage, disorientation (for bats and nightsticks) and bleed damage in exchange for the inability to hit a target behind cover or anyone not 2 feet in front of you.
The best:
The Machete.
My reasoning for this is because it costs 700 dollars to make (50 dollars more than a combat knife) and combines damage and attack speed to make it the best melee. Sure it doesn't do as much damage as a katana but a quick swipe and stab should kill most people in half a second.
The worst:
The combat knife.
Does decent damage, but not enough in my opinion. Has a good attack speed but you're fucked if your opponent has virtually any other weapon at the ready.

Cheap, plentiful, pretty powerful and fully concealable. Pistols are often used on a budget or carried concealed. It costs less to make a pistol reflex sight and a suppressor for some pistols than it would to have an assault rifle with just its stock and a mag, so keep that in mind. For the sake of the list, revolvers will be listed separately.

The best:
The 2nd highest damage of all non-revolver pistols, combined with a 10 round magazine, overall inexpensive cost, and decent sights, the HK45CT is what I and many others consider the prima donna of handguns. Most players have loads and loads of mags for it seeing as the mags were less to craft than knives at one point.

The worst:
In terms of damage, the Walther PPK is the worst handgun on the server. 7 Rounds of .32 ACP Which is like shooting angry bee's at your opponents.
The Luger P.08 comes at a close second because its the only 9x19mm handgun that can't be suppressed and features a stupidly low capacity for a 9x19mm handgun.

The classic six guns of the wild west, added to the server to appeal to a niche. All revolvers in my opinion are sound guns (until you have to reload), however, I've had to boil them down to what I think are the best and worst.

The best:
The colt Python.
It pains me to choose between the Colt Python and the SW model 29, but in terms of costs and iron sights, the Colt Python is amazing. The sights are perfect for long range combat and using a colt python feels easy and excellent. They're cheap, too!

The worst:
No, not the taurus 605. Personally, I feel as though the SW model 19 is the worst. The 605 has the niche of costing $2050. The SW model 19 has okay iron sights but they're the most annoying to use in my opinion.

Sub machine guns:
Good CQB Spray and pray weapons. Low recoil combined with high rates of fire and high damage against unarmoured targets makes SMG's my personal favourite class of weapon on the server to use as TFU, and civilian.
The best:
HK MP5/10.
It was the only SMG back in the days of head armour that one shotted TFU To the head, Not even the UMP did that. Crazy. The MP5/10 takes the controllability, capacity, and versatility of the MP5A4 and combines it with the damage and accuracy of the UMP45. It does less damage per shot than the UMP But probably kills just as fast.

The worst:
The HK MP7.
At the time of writing this, the MP7 does not feature its armour piercing capability as advertised. Without a compensator, it has high recoil. Extended magazines for this weapon cost about 2.3K to make and trust me, you'll want to use extended magazines when you realise this gun sometimes takes up to 2 headshots to kill someone with. Has a good high rate of fire so I guess its like firing a swarm of angry bee's at someone. It's also the only SMG you cannot suppress, which is also kinda shitty.

Honourable mention to the UZI too for having dogshit iron sights and an annoying "Fake recoil" when you use it, but the UZI is somewhat accurate if you line up footage of you using it with a crosshair.

Shotguns are essentially the easiest way to tell someone to suck their mums through a straw. Insane damage at the cost of penetration, fire rate, and accuracy at range, Shotguns are a new players best friend. Despite being powerful and useful however, Shotguns are merely a parody of their former selves, as grinding shotgun marksmanship to 100 allowed you to one shot someone who's within pistol range.

The best:
Ah yes, the SPAS 12. Works insanely well, can be spammed at people, and despite having a slow reload, its reload time is no different to other shotguns on the server except the double barrelled shotgun. Its the only shotgun with a removable stock, and yes, it works fucking wonders even without a stock.

The worst:
Sawed off remington 870 (Remington 870 short)
You ever wanted to take every good thing about the remington, such as a tight spread pattern, high damage, and decent accuracy for a shotgun and not only completely remove all of those perks but also amplify the fact that the remington has a shit iron sight thats permanently obstructed by an attachment rail no one actually uses? Go craft your remingtons into 870 shorts as soon as possible! If you look at the Remington 870 short as a melee weapon then it fits the bill perfectly, very high damage at close range partnered with the inability to hit anything beyond 5 feet. Shooting this thing at anything beyond 2 and a half metres results in the pellets spreading like fucking Cholera.
At least the sawed off double barrel fully reloads quickly and is easy to aim.

Assault Rifles:
Somewhat more expensive than other guns, rifles are usually suitable for any and all general combat. Offering fair damage, accuracy, and rate of fire as well as extremely good penetration and vehicle damage, Rifles are very much used and loved by most PERP users.
The best:
Two way tie between the AK-47 and the SCAR L.
The AK47 fucking rips. Its an AK, need I say more? High damage, High DPS, decent rate of fire, Works exceptionally well without a sight, And is very customise-able.
The SCAR L is probably the most controllable assault rifle out there. Low recoil, but a low rate of fire, but the low rate of fire combined with the low recoil makes it a laser beam even without a compensator.
Also shoutout to the FAMAS, but the iron sights still fucking suck.

The worst:
It's just not very good at all is it? More recoil than spraying an M4 when you spam the burst, Burst fires recoil animation also spazzes out. But hey, it takes sniper scopes!

Sniper rifles:
Good for long distance shooting, sniper rifles take powerful scopes and allow for good long range shooting without compromising accuracy and damage. You can also use them in close range combat since they all essentially 1 shot at close range.

The best:

Barrett M82:
Literally 1 shots everything. Its fucking expensive though and has low capacity and high recoil, but it fucks up cars in a single shot (except the SWAT Van but it makes short work of that too). Can shoot through apartments without reduction in 1 shot damage and can even shoot people through cars.

Honourable mentions: Every other sniper basically lmao.
The worst:
Remington M24.
Its not bad, its just nowhere near as good as the other snipers. It doesn't have magazines and requires manual hand loading. This can be good if you want to put a new round in after every shot to make it so you're always full, but overall, its slow and does the same damage as the semi auto .308's.

Bombs, grenades, etc.
The best:
M67 frag grenade.
Not too hard to use, its literally a grenade. Its cheap too. Causes insane damage and can 1 bang a SWAT Van. Not much else to say here.

The worst:
Car bomb
The car bomb is the most pricey explosive, leaves DNA and you could probably just kill someone with a gun or something and it'll do the same thing. It also offers little to no usage in combat.​
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You should add pictures so it can be easier to know which gun looks like what. Overall nice guide :)