What is an ambition/goal


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Middle East
An ambition is something you want to reach it is something that you will do what ever it takes to reach it lets take me as an example here: I wanted to become a enforcer on this server but unfortunately i failed but that does not mean i gave up, you see i will try harder even if the most asshole of a person tries to ruin that and the only you thing you can hurt him is by breaking one of the rules well you are wrong, Fight him with kindness for kindness is like a key to whatever you want no matter how far and impossible it may seem the truth is it is possible. Another example is like steve jobs People told him color on PC or phones is impossible, it seemed impossible back then but look now he might be dead by he left a legacy behind him because what he thought was possible others though impossible, so for everyone that has a goal they want to reach be ready for what comes ahead make a table write your ambition and what you need to do to achieve it for it is never impossible, Why i make this post you may ask? its because i hate see people throw what they are dreaming to achieve but just do not work hard for it for there is hope for everyone even the most of annoying people on earth to the poorest.
I will end the thread here but just dont lose hope.
My ambitions/goal is to make the whole map full of billboards with Trande's face on it.


@Trande is love, Trande is Life