What made you stick around?

Joined in 2014 with @MoronPipllyd, was encouraged by Jordan to join (he was an admin on a DarkRP server that Moron and I played. We then formed the Jefferson Regime which was a shitter org that invited everyone on the invite list and at one point was one of the biggest orgs, not through ability but volume. Moron got mugged by @Standish and @ChewKokLong420, and through that joined Belinsky and became big bois.

I was made a moderator twice.

During the start of the PD, I worked with Jordan, Chris and Chrissy to make the PD less shit (turns out that today it is more shit as a result) through drafting laws and commenting on new policy. I was initially put as the LT of Patrol and in 2019 I climbed the ladder again to the same position I was in before.

In 2016, I was off to university so I started PH Revolution with a load of people whereby several prominent players were banned for messing around.

I appealed several times, then got it accepted and played with the boys again, then we got bored, got jobs, and became sad old men that occasionally play video games.
I joined in 2017 because @A1L and @Josef just recommened me to come on, I came on and left but forgot why I returned. Once I came back the PD attracted me and I stayed, I made friends through people and it just kind of went there. I was going to leave after I reached a decent rank in PD and got all the things I wanted but I then decided to apply for staff, I applied for staff at the wrong point since I had GCSE's then and now I've got proper free time and all.

I keep coming back because I get enjoyment out of driving my car on perp and seeing all the funny things happening that I can't get enough of and other things that I just can't pinpoint.
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Found a video of policing on YouTube years ago - first thing that happened was me getting kidnapped and mugged by Ezrider - and I honestly don't know why I'm still here
I played alot of perp back in 2012 in a server called VS3 and just hanged around with some Finnish guys on that server, came back to gmod in 2014 and saw that it wasnt alive so I joined perpheads since I always loved the gamemode and the option to have your own organisations.
How did you find out about Perpheads
Was bored in the year 2016, my SWRP community just closed down and I was just looking for something to try out or maybe just mess about on.

what was your first experience
I joined and Mac O-Brian was nice enough to introduce me to the world and how it worked. Got me out of those sweater clothes quick. I think he even payed someone to buy me VIP

what was your impression of the server when you first joined
I was impressed. I always was interested in police work IRL, so it definitely attracted me a lot just because of that. Then I saw SWAT which made me want to work toward premium so I could get it. The unique feel of it, really made the impression for me. It was just plain, simple and unique.

what made you stick around?
I left and joined back every year. I guess it's just the people I can't separate myself from and the addictive nature of perp. It's very competitive.
I joined some time around January 2017, was playing on a Half life 2 server called nebulous cloud or sum like det before i came(just now knowing what RP is around this time lmfao). Then i saw the name Perp Heads with like a bunch of people in it, so i gave it a shot. I enjoyed the hell out of it,i remember the time when everytime im aware that im about to get raided. my heart will literally fucking beat out of my chest and my hands will just start shaking LOL. But my time here, i met good and funny people, been involved in many events, and made a name for myself in the community. And i just wanna thank everyone for accepting me.
what's making me stick around right now is being forum banned by a developer (lmao resigned and supposed to not be staff) and staff members for jokes and also for telling truths that hurt some poor little feelings

man up soyboys
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I joined in 2017, when @nade @Mario n @bobbieross were playing back when they were in NiP (the org), I liked the server as it was different and the mechanics were different to most gmod servers I enjoyed the shootouts and meeting new people. I stayed because it was fun working your way up to the top and the content they kept adding which made the server feel fresh.
Joined back in end 2015, so it was like 4 years ago. To be quiet honest, I don't remember a lot about when I started... I remember I constantly got raided, but I wasn't actually hated and I wasn't a dickhead either that point was me being a retard, getting into that whilst being on the server. I remember I had a friend who knew the friend I played it with, and I met someone called Dayun and @Zoephix and honestly, I guess they helped me to realise how funny the server was.

Idk why I've sticked around, but theres just something special about the server sometimes, that it's pretty funny to play. So I've just sticked to it and quiet honestly gotten a lot of friends, the thing with perp is getting friends etc.
be a cop main duh, have no knowledge about the criminal side yet give out bans without ever having raided someone as a crim makes sense.