Joined in 2014 with @MoronPipllyd, was encouraged by Jordan to join (he was an admin on a DarkRP server that Moron and I played. We then formed the Jefferson Regime which was a shitter org that invited everyone on the invite list and at one point was one of the biggest orgs, not through ability but volume. Moron got mugged by @Standish and @ChewKokLong420, and through that joined Belinsky and became big bois.
I was made a moderator twice.
During the start of the PD, I worked with Jordan, Chris and Chrissy to make the PD less shit (turns out that today it is more shit as a result) through drafting laws and commenting on new policy. I was initially put as the LT of Patrol and in 2019 I climbed the ladder again to the same position I was in before.
In 2016, I was off to university so I started PH Revolution with a load of people whereby several prominent players were banned for messing around.
I appealed several times, then got it accepted and played with the boys again, then we got bored, got jobs, and became sad old men that occasionally play video games.
I was made a moderator twice.
During the start of the PD, I worked with Jordan, Chris and Chrissy to make the PD less shit (turns out that today it is more shit as a result) through drafting laws and commenting on new policy. I was initially put as the LT of Patrol and in 2019 I climbed the ladder again to the same position I was in before.
In 2016, I was off to university so I started PH Revolution with a load of people whereby several prominent players were banned for messing around.
I appealed several times, then got it accepted and played with the boys again, then we got bored, got jobs, and became sad old men that occasionally play video games.