Joined the server with a friend of mine, got dragged away by a blue floating orb called Swiper The Fox as we ran across the highway in the first 10 minutes. My friend was tempted to punch Swiper in the sit but I told him otherwise and he didn't do it. He got kind of bored after that and I stuck around for a while, became a Firefighter and Paramedic for a while which let me afford VIP and my first car, VW Beetle which I shortly sold and got myself a PT Cruiser. I still don't know how I got so much money back then but I'm glad I didn't start poor and I was treated well. Some time passes and I find myself in the Skinheadbande, a bunch of German's that just loved to raid (except for me xd). I end up being kidnapped by Hung Chow and Arnold Gerkin because they pitted my PT Cruiser on the highway with their pedovan Vandura and told me to get in so I did and became a spy for the Belinsky Family, informing them about the where abouts of the Skinheadbande. After that's done, 2 girls (I don't know their names anymore sadly) get me in the Belinsky's, I get treated well, I do my stuff and people started recognizing me as the "German that always uses a Mac-10" and defends the Glass Co. & Parker connector with Krinkles on the Baldies Nest where I was teached to turn off the flashlight whenever you were up there. This was also around the time when I helped Liam extinguish his meth fires, also picking them up before they overcooked and we turned into good friends
I get my money, buy a Supra and a M3 and I was pretty happy with where I was standing. V2 arrived and I had this babe for a while.
Have a Chicken picture @MrAaron
And the old crew (The steam avatars were not loading for me back then because of a TF 2 exploit I did that allowed you to put colored pictures on some items that involved in blocking communication with the Steam servers but that was long ago)
I'm glad to say that it has been quite the experience with everyone.

Have a Chicken picture @MrAaron
And the old crew (The steam avatars were not loading for me back then because of a TF 2 exploit I did that allowed you to put colored pictures on some items that involved in blocking communication with the Steam servers but that was long ago)
I'm glad to say that it has been quite the experience with everyone.