When someone gets raided by 6+ TFU

1. You know you really wanna beat criminals when you accept anything as TFU. *cough* Strobez *Cough*
2. @Mooney fuck u
3. Raiding an apartment because of a retard in god mode with a phone >:(
  1. Got raided 2 times while being AFK for 2 bullshit reasons because of the same person (@Mooney)
  2. Got nightsticked by fucking Ermak
  3. Lost so many weapons on useless raids where all they have is either small pots or literally nothing
  4. Also died from 2 hostage situations where the officers literally gave 0 shits about the hostage

What is my luck these days?
tfw u see a video of olsen members as SWAT raiding other olsen members
Whoever threw that second flash deserves an immediate discharge from TFU

... mine was gucci.
I swear to god, whoever threw that second flash has parkinson's disease.
Then again, flashbangs are known to be notoriously difficult to throw correctly.
@Xquality please fix

This video struck gold when Silent started shouting though.
Not so silent anymore...