Where I’ve been~

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United Kingdom
Heya everyone,

Hope you are all doing well and have had a great Christmas despite these difficult times we’re facing with COVID and whatnot. For those who haven’t noticed yet, then I haven’t been around since mid-November in terms of in-game activity and just general activity overall. To simply explain why this is the case, I currently don’t have access to my PC at the moment and I’m not entirely sure when I will get access to it again. It’s a very long-winded and complicated situation regarding the context as to why I don’t have it but I have informed SA of the situation and completely understand which I am very grateful for.

Obviously I can’t wait to start playing again once I do get my PC again as I do love getting involved with all the community whether that be performing my duties as an Administrator; helping to develop Professional Standards within the PD; doing my SFM renders and animations of PERP and just generally interacting with all the community members and having fun - it’s a big aspect that I’ve missed as a result of not having access to my PC and I’m looking for the day I can return (or I may just flat out buy a new PC after I’ve saved up some more.) In the mean time, I’ve been doing a lot of overtime at work and watching through some TV series (I’m currently watching Criminal Minds on Amazon Prime with a whole 15 seasons to get through) so I’ve been keeping myself occupied.

But yeah, I’d thought I’d give you guys a quick update of where I’ve been. I will be attempting to increase my activity on the forums and assist in staff-related issues in the mean time.

Hopefully won’t be too long before I can properly return! :)
Can't wait to see you again mate (whenever that is!), I’ll gladly take you up on that offer of playing zero caliber, depends when @joey buys me it though.

Good to hear you’re keeping yourself occupied, hope you’re doing well.