Who is that guy called Draxen?

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A while back ago, I resigned due to some private reasons. Or let me explain because I hear people asking why I left and so on...

My steph father got his cancer back, wich really I took really serious. My parents seperated when I was around 4 months old, so my steph father is just like my real father.
I guess I went into depression and became another person, this made me fail school and such. Therefor I just left right away, without giving anyone a proper reason or goodbye. So I apologize if anyone took it in a bad way for leaving without saying bye.

But here I am, looking forward to come back and play again.

And for those who don't know who I am, Im Ralph Clifford, former LT, command member of the Dispatch Division, TFU and RTU member and Server Moderator.
@Draxen you are a really nice guy. Scenarios like this has affected a lot of the community, we all go through it, you are not alone. You were a good staff and PD member and it's sad that something like this can get in the way of that. I hope to see you back to normal and playing again because nobody deserves otherwise.
I've had the same thing, i went in to a hard depression after a lot of bad things happend in my life and my grades went down like hell (and why i have taken a break from perpheads latley), i know how it feels but it will get better i promise you. I cant wait to see you again back on perp. One of the nicest guys.
Sorry to hear about your step father, I pray that he'll overcome his cancer. Keep your head up and do something that makes you happy to keep your mind off of everything and that should help you in school. Good luck Draxen <3

A while back ago, I resigned due to some private reasons. Or let me explain because I hear people asking why I left and so on...

My steph father got his cancer back, wich really I took really serious. My parents seperated when I was around 4 months old, so my steph father is just like my real father.
I guess I went into depression and became another person, this made me fail school and such. Therefor I just left right away, without giving anyone a proper reason or goodbye. So I apologize if anyone took it in a bad way for leaving without saying bye.

But here I am, looking forward to come back and play again.

And for those who don't know who I am, Im Ralph Clifford, former LT, command member of the Dispatch Division, TFU and RTU member and Server Moderator.

It happened exactly the same thing with my grandfather and I understand how hard it can be, unfortunately he got cancer 3 times and always managed to fight his way through but at the 4th time, when it got to his brain it was just too much..

So, I just want you to know that if you need something just give me a call.
One of the friendliest people on perp that I've seen, he's also swedish so +1 ;)

Anyways, glad to have you back and I hope you will enjoy your time here again!
I'm glad we managed to keep in touch when you left. Wouldn't have felt right to not have contact with you, but welcome back to the community and it is great to have you back.
I am sorry to hear about your step father that really fucking sucks have not met you before but you seem really nice, look forward to seeing you ig.