Why being a firefighter sucks

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Hello y'all.

I'm just here to raise some concerns about why the firefighter job is mostly unoccupied.

First of all, I do not play a lot as a firefighter, but when I do play as one I try to create some roleplay by responding to some other, still relevant call outs. This is where reason number one steps in: people get angry with you over bullshit reasons.

Lets say there is a massive shootout going on, everyone is there and you decide to respond to give first aid. The first thing you will notice is that people will start going over the radio: "Why the fuck is there a firefighter here?" and in OOC chat, while the firefighter could actually be a valuable asset as he can provide first aid while the medics focus on the bigger injuries and dead people. This often leads to frustration off the firefighter and 9 times out of 10 leads to a firefighter resigning, because who the hell wants to help the people that do not want your help?

Making it worse LEO's will try to get on a firefighter's ass for responding to calls which are perfectly normal, and even threaten with arrest.

Not to mention that also being a paramedic can be equally as crappy, however not as much as both will quite easily get killed in their normal line of duty.

tl;dr: A lot of people are dicks to firefighters and medics.

Please do note that what I say here does not apply all the time, but please just consider it next time you see a firefighter respond to something, be nice, they are just doing their job, and instead of minding their business maybe you should do yours too instead.
Also because there really isn't anything to do as firefighter except sit around waiting for an incident to respond to, which is pretty rare.
Tl:dr: give firefighter axe damage and let them become bansaii warriors.
Give the firefighters ladders and chase some cats up some trees.

Nah more serious I agree firefighters are not used enough IRL they are also a rescue service since they can carry a large amount of equipment due to the size of the fire trucks. I think this has been suggested before but when a car is crashed give a chance for the occupents to be stuck in it and give the firefighters battering rams or jaws of life.
I think a problem is that some officers simply don't know that the firefighter carries a first aid kit making the officers believe that the firefighter is completely useless in that sort of situation. I personally never knew the firefighter carried one until I became one self after many months, and of course I wouldn't have 100% remembered the equipment. And that not many people even go firefighter means that, as said previously, they are uninformed of all the equipment they might be carrying.

As for more experienced players which already know this, erm I don't know, just don't be a dick?
I would have to dissagree with you there. Me @GraveDinosaur and @Murtsley love getting called in as Fire Man Sam to save the day. From some Goon making meth in regals to saving an imaginary cat on the farm roof

Grave and Murtsley's fast response

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I agree with @Riekelt!

Myself, @Murtsley and @ceriedwardsx had so much fun playing as firefighters! #Sam Tân

I'm not going to make a huge fuck off post, don't get me wrong I would love to but I want to make it as short as possible for a reason. I personally think everyone should support or at least give newly made firefighters or medics a chance. Instead of shouting at them because there possibly doing bad, support them and help them along the way.

As @Riekelt said: Firefighters have a medkit for a reason, and it should be used in situations where medics are not available. New players should always be encouraged.

Save a life. Let firefighters play