Medic And Firefighters Rank Progression

For firefighters I think it would be great if they could perform water rescues - maybe they would be immune to the leeches at hicktown, able to swim faster and hold their breath for longer? Allowing them to enter the lake or the sea and drag bodies to shore for the medics to revive.
@Ellie Suggested this to me a while ago and for balancing purpose firefighters can now swim in the lake, They can not go fully under tho, Their head needs to stay above the water at all times
i want to see ffs be able to extricate someone from a car crash with a specific apparatus and a new tool maybe. there will be a 1/4 chance someone will be entrapped in a car only when a ff is on and allow the ffs to remove them using a rescue truck that carries hydraulic cutters or something like that
I have a few suggestions mainly on the FF side;

  1. Firstly I think the FD and hospital should be done up like the pd so have offices with tables etc and a break room and what not adds a little more rp to the whole thing.
  2. Ladders for getting up to other levels etc using the to rescue people stuck and what not.
  3. I see the suggestions about cpr and defibs, FF should have both but not financially gain from it and should have a rule that if medic is on they should always go first. maybe have a system where ff cpr and defib on works x/10 times where as medics always does.
  4. new vehicles and uniforms as the current ones for both ems and fd are horrid.
  5. extrication ability - i have seen it in other servers and it would again be a random anomaly
  6. haligan bar (crowbar) - fire axes aren't used to break down doors when fire fighting haligan bars are. they can also break glass which would be handy for fighting fires
  7. working hydrant and water tank on fire trucks - seen it in a previous server a long time ago it was a simple set up basically e to attach to truck then e to hydrant and there was a lever on the truck to fill it.
  8. connectable hoses - as above connect up to truck or hydrant to get water
  9. stretchers for ems to make dragging faster
  10. maybe even a working ladder truck to help with fires up high buildings
  11. for water rescues maybe a prop that floats to help get you out in water
  12. give FF cones for when on scenes
  13. make it so fires happen in occupied dwelling and vehicles when the break down etc so there's more of a rescue side to the FD
  14. make the hose have further reach and length because those bad boys have alot of power and are as long as you need
here as some suggestion on vehicles and also a few mods to make the fire better etc;

For the vehicles they could work like this;

  • sprint car - no stretcher and cant transport any patients
  • ambulance - full kit can do it all
  • supervisor car - similar to sprint car

for FD
  • engine - has the water and ladders and other normal kit
  • rescue - extraction and water rescue kit not water on board
  • ladder - has big Ariel ladder, normal ladders and limited water
  • supervisor car - just a car
happy to discuss :)
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Just a simple one - add more locations for the fires to start like in cityhall, business shops etc so its a bit more varried rather than the same places all the time. could have it that certain ones spawn more than others
Don't mean to bump this thread unnecessarily, but one thing I think would be cool would be a kind of "stabilizing" feature that anyone can do to help keep someone alive whilst awaiting medics.

Essentially, when someone goes unconscious, depending on how it happened, they have a certain amount of time before death, or in some cases, before waking back up.
Clicking R with fists on a body should be how bodies are stabilized, but certain items would be required, depending on the first aid level of the person treating them, and how they became unconscious.

Examples of stabilization differences:
Run over by car: 10 second stabilizing progress bar, reducing as first aid skill improves, and maybe the person treating them needs to use a splint to stabilize them
Shot unconscious: a similar stabilizing bar, but a bandage is needed to bind wounds, etc.
knocked unconscious: depending on strength of assailant, maybe they are just knocked out cold, and wake up a short while later with injuries, but if assailant is super strong, they need to be stabilized.

Now once someone is stabilized, they have a lot longer unconscious before they need to be revived, the amount of time depending on the first aid level of the person who stabilized them. However, if someone is not stabilized within say two or three minutes, depending on injury type, then they will die.

I foresee a few issues however, such as being perpetually stabilized past the five minutes for respawn, which might hold players hostage in the unconscious state for ages, which would be a bit unfair. To fix this, I think after a certain amount of time stabilized, if no medics are on, or if nobody is nearby, then the unconscious person should have the option to die, but only after the traditional five minute timer is up.

Also, firefighters and medics should be considered to have max first aid skill when on duty, simply due to the fact that their roles is focused around that stuff.

I've noticed that there's no new skins for firefighters, perhaps consider having a different helmet colour for higher ranked firefighters as is seen in real life?

are those bottom three starwars helmets?
Don't mean to bump this thread unnecessarily, but one thing I think would be cool would be a kind of "stabilizing" feature that anyone can do to help keep someone alive whilst awaiting medics.

Essentially, when someone goes unconscious, depending on how it happened, they have a certain amount of time before death, or in some cases, before waking back up.
Clicking R with fists on a body should be how bodies are stabilized, but certain items would be required, depending on the first aid level of the person treating them, and how they became unconscious.

Examples of stabilization differences:
Run over by car: 10 second stabilizing progress bar, reducing as first aid skill improves, and maybe the person treating them needs to use a splint to stabilize them
Shot unconscious: a similar stabilizing bar, but a bandage is needed to bind wounds, etc.
knocked unconscious: depending on strength of assailant, maybe they are just knocked out cold, and wake up a short while later with injuries, but if assailant is super strong, they need to be stabilized.

Now once someone is stabilized, they have a lot longer unconscious before they need to be revived, the amount of time depending on the first aid level of the person who stabilized them. However, if someone is not stabilized within say two or three minutes, depending on injury type, then they will die.

I foresee a few issues however, such as being perpetually stabilized past the five minutes for respawn, which might hold players hostage in the unconscious state for ages, which would be a bit unfair. To fix this, I think after a certain amount of time stabilized, if no medics are on, or if nobody is nearby, then the unconscious person should have the option to die, but only after the traditional five minute timer is up.

Also, firefighters and medics should be considered to have max first aid skill when on duty, simply due to the fact that their roles is focused around that stuff.

I have already added CPR! More on that when the update comes out!

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