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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist

Appeal type: Apology

Which staff member banned you: @McGlinchy

How long were you banned for: 1 year

Your Steam Name: Wiki

Your In-game Name: Jemima McGowan

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155779481

Why were you banned/blacklisted: “Mass RDM”

Why should this appeal be considered: Now, I know what you are thinking, I “Mass RDM’d” twice and I am appealing but hear me out.

When I got unbanned I always had a thought in my mind that I was never going to play the server serious again, I lost interest in the server and I really couldn’t be bothered with it anymore, after about 6 months from that I have decided that I want to try and fix that, I do not want to be seen as immature minge I once was but as a mature young man and be able to engage with the community and play the server like a normal person.

When I “Mass RDM’d” I was not really trying to do that, (of course I understand what I did was wrong regardless) I was just shooting anyone who annoyed me at the time, I thought it was hilarious and since no staff was on the server I thought it was the perfect time to do it, I am honestly in a deep state of regret right now and I want to apologise to all the people I shot for pretty much no reason. I thought I was being funny at the time and in all honesty, I was acting like a child who wanted to impress the people around me, since people were laughing at me doing it sort of tagged me on to keep on going, I do not blame them for laughing because if I was watching what unfolded I probably would’ve laughed too, everything I did was wrong on so many levels and I truly regret it. I know that it might not sound like much considering the amount of times I make apologies but I really do mean it this time.

I want to apologise to @jjjackier for the amount of times I shot you outside Sorle’s shop and made you lose some of your pistols, it was not acceptable for me to do that and I thought it was all fun and games at the time.

I want to apologise to @Jossyl and all of his friends for the amount of times I attempted to, and RDM’d you guys, I thought it would be funny since there was people messaging me at the time telling me to do it, it was not funny, I am sorry for ruining your fun and I hope you can forgive me for this.

I want to apologise to @Sdac2 for putting you in bad light, when I was gunning people down as your SS I hope it did not make you look bad, I am sorry for this and I deeply regret these actions.

I want to apologise to @Sorle , @Firuz132. @BigBenji, @ScarlettSlayer and @Sossa for attempting to gun you guys down inside your shop as SS, this was wrong of me and I hope I can amend these actions.

I am sorry that I cannot remember everyone’s names but if I shot you in those 2 days I am deeply sorry for it and I promise that I will not act in such a childish way again.

Additional Comment(s): I would like to add that if this is to get accepted, I do not want to be unbanned straight away, I would much rather be reduced to 6 months so I still serve a punishment. At this point, I am willing to accept a permanent ban if I act in a way like this again, the way I have been acting the past 2 years is shocking and I am honestly sorry for it. Thank you.
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