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Bank robberies are considered the ultimate organisation activity, players act as if this is reserved only for the more experienced players, however they are wrong. In most cases, robbing the bank is actually easier than raiding even apartment buildings who have particularly extensive defences.

Here’s a sizeable guide on how to rob the bank in Paralake, from the guy who wrote the guidelines on how police should respond to them.

To begin, a quick basic guide on how to start and complete a bank robbery:
Step 1: Find the drug dealer NPC. Within their dialogue menu, will be a button saying “I’m looking for something a bit riskier than drugs (bank robbery)”. Selecting this option will send your phone a text which will contain 1 of 3 messages. If there are less than 3 officers on duty, you’ll be told that there isn’t enough officers on duty and that the bank raid cannot commence. If the text says there’s already a crew, that means the bank is already going to be robbed. If neither of these two are the case, then on comes he next step.
Step 2: You’ll be given a bank number to wire money too to buy the drill. you need to wire $5000 to this bank account. Upon doing so, the bank robbery manager will tell you a numerical code.
Step 3: give your friends the bank robbery NPC’s number, and the code. They must text the code to the number in order to be registered into the robbery. Note that this can only be done before the drill is placed on the vault door.
Step 4: Upon everyone joining the robbery, the robbery leader will then head to the location texted to them to speak to an NPC who will give them the vault cracker. If the person with the vault cracker dies or gets arrested before the bank raid, they must rebuy the drill.
Step 5: with the cracker in their inventory, arm up with guns, ammo and supplies and head to bank. Note that you can’t leave the main city area upon the vault cracker being placed on the door, so make sure you have everything you need. Place the vault cracker on the vault door once everyone is in the pre vault area. Anyone not in the pre vault area the moment the drill is placed will be kicked out the robbery and may not participate.
Step 6: Take up positions and fight off the police. As soon as the alarm bell rings, the whole police force is notified of the bank robbery.
To unjam the vault cracker, press E on it and wait for the status bar to finish.
Step 7: when the vault opens, Press E on the money til you’ve taken it all and leave. Don’t worry about the drawers, they can’t be accessed (anymore).
Step 8: Go into hiding and wait for the text saying where the money drop off point is.
Step 9: upon dropping off the cash, all surviving and unarrested bank robbers will receive a small and evenly shared cut of the money stolen. Once the money has been dropped off, you may turn yourself in if you don’t want to be wanted. Dying, reconnecting or disconnecting from the server will make you lose your cut.

Choosing the right equipment:
Bearing in mind that you will be fighting off at least the majority of the Police force, it’s ideal to equip yourself for the occasion. Bank robberies don’t call for bare bones weapons I’m afraid, and bare in mind that cops not only have armour and numbers, but they too have attachments.

Here’s some primary weapons to consider putting to use and what makes them special:
- At 40 rounds with an extended magazine, the HK MP7 has the highest capacity of all firearms on PERP.
- The AK47 and Sako M92S Fire 7.62x39mm ammunition which makes short work of armoured Targets. Even with bodyshots very quickly kills even heavy TFU. At least 5 People shooting the SWAT van with these rifles can kill the SWAT Van and all it’s occupants in mere seconds.
- The FAMAS F1, whilst unpopular for its recoil and iron sights, is an incredibly viable option for bank raids as they take 2 types of STANAG magazines (one of those being the most common rifle mag type) , features 3 fire modes (semi, auto, burst), Can take Zenith and ACOG scopes with impressive zoom and visibility rates, and fires with an insane rate of fire. The FAMAS Shoots so fast that it melts anything in its way, even if that thing is a fully armoured TFU, or a moving car even.
- With low recoil, very high customisability, decent damage, almost pinpoint accuracy and the ability to take all sniper scopes except the Nightforce, The Colt M16A4 stands strong as an incredibly viable option for bank raids to act as a budget sniper rifle which doesn’t sacrifice close range capability.
- The FN SCAR L is both accurate and highly controllable, albeit very loud. The weapon features a somewhat sluggish fire rate however compared to all other 5.56 rifles.
- The AK-101 rifle is a great Jack of all trades weapon, doing everything at any range effectively, although it doesn’t necessarily stand out in any other field than versatility. It’s also very loud.
- The HK UMP45 has high damage and is incredibly controllable however lacks in fire rate and penetration of armour or walls, featuring poor wallbang power even through windows.
- Both the HK MP5A4 (9x19mm) and the HK MP5/10 (10x25mm) Are incredibly viable options for bank raids. Opt for the MP5A4 for fire rate, low sound profile and controllability, or the MP5/10 for power and damage. The MP5/10 is significantly louder than the MP5A4.

Weapons that take Sniper ammo may appear to be appealing choices, but remember:
- The average bank robbery payout is between 25K-38k. A box of sniper ammo costs 3.3k to craft and in most cases, more to buy from crafters.
- You receive 10 rounds per box, and at most may carry 120 rounds to refill your magazines with. With regular rifle ammo however, you have 720 rounds at most.

If you are a careful and clean shot, and have the money to spend on sniper ammo fed weapons, then doing so puts you at a huge advantage (as long as you know how to use them that is).

Slow weapons such as the M24 should be avoided, unless it is a large robbery and said M24 user wont Be the constant centre of attention.
A weapon being concealable is not really a relevant benefit to have during a bank robbery, as it’s highly unlikely to come into play as an advantage due to the nature of bank raids. As such:
- The MP5K is a poor choice, given its limited range capabilities, its low capacity, attachment options, and it’s marginal price difference to weapons that do not have these issues.
- Shotguns in generals viability for bank raids, unless you do not plan on leaving the vault area, or the foreman’s office, is significantly low. Concealable shotguns should not be used at all in bank robberies. Most officers push in groups and if 2 push and shoot at you at the same time, especially TFU, your odds of survival are low and they have the advantage. At range, even a cop with a pistol has a significant advantage over you. If you are in a group and you plan on camping a room or the vault, you have a good chance of survival. Being the last person alive in a bank robbery whilst your only weapon is a shotgun is a terrible situation to be in. Furthermore, in an ideal bank robbery, you wouldn’t want any police actually making it inside the bank, as they can hold positions inside and surround you.

Secondary weapon slots:
Despite the massive benefit of doing so, carrying a sidearm with a primary weapon is very rare around here, on the premises that:
- It makes death more expensive since you lose 2 guns.
- It means you can’t pick up a secondary if you find one.
- It means you have to carry more ammo or mags.

Alternatively, secondary weapons could well be used as your only weapon in a bank robbery.

The pro’s of carrying a sidearm in a bank raid include:
- Backup weapon to switch to in a pinch.
- If using a niche purpose weapon, such as a shotgun, M24 or other slow sniper, having a pistol can be a life saver.
- If you get ragdolled and drop your weapon, you have another weapon to pull when you get back up.

With the drawbacks of:
- Semi automatic pistols, being the best option for combat in the secondary category, require magazines to be carried. This takes up item slots that could be spent on more magazines being carried for your primary.
- The ammo required to load / fill magazines takes up slots that could be used for rifle ammo or sniper ammo slots.
- More costworthy to die.

To ensure you have huge amounts of ammo with your load out, you’ll want to:
- Pair magazine fed automatic weapons with revolvers to ensure you have more magazines for your primaries. Also, it’s unlikely you’ll need more than 30 rounds of pistol ammo for your backup weapon.
- Pair your slow firing, manually loaded shotgun / sniper with a high capacity, magazine fed secondary, to give you better coverage of ranges your primary weapon is ineffective at.

However, to be an incredibly viable threat, pair any assault rifle with a modern semi automatic handgun for backup purposes.

Regardless of your stance on having 2 weapons in a bank raid, I advise that you at least bring a knife or bat for backup, just in case.


Firearms aren’t all you need to take to a bank robbery. Equipment is also vital.

Ideally, you should never rob the bank without:
- A firearm.
- At least 5 bandages
- At least 5 magazines for your firearms
- a phone
- 2 crowbars at least (break friends out of cuffs, remove wheel clamps).

Optional equipment and their uses include:
- Splints: Allows you to run whilst crippled at the expense of damage being taken when you do so. Can be purchased from safety first, or crafted.
- Stimpacks: Heal you slightly. Carry more than 10 to be more effective. Must be crafted.
- Binoculars: Allows you to see long distances. Can be bought from a blaze it gun range.
- Grenades: will get to these below. Must be crafted.
- Camera: Can zoom in and out, decent alternative to binoculars if you don’t have any. Can be bought at Ragnatech.
- Tobacco water pipe: For using drugs (see “drugs to use in bank” below).

Grenades are immensely useful weapons in all shootouts, including bank robberies. There’s different types of grenades that serve all kinds of purposes, from SWAT Van killing and corridor / room clearing fragmentation grenades, to non lethal stun grenades, all the way to fire starting devices, Grenades used on PERP include:
- M67 Frag grenade: Basic hand grenade. Fair blast radius.
- MK2 Pineapple Grenade: A grenade with a larger blast radius but doesn’t roll as well as an M67.
- M84 stun grenade: “Flash” Style stun grenade which deafens and blinds people caught in its radius or who look in its general direction. (TFU are slightly resistant to these grenades).
- Molotov Cocktail: Fire bomb grenade that ignites where it lands. Can be used to prevent police from passing through certain doorways. Unlike on games like insurgency and CSGO, The fire bomb flames do not fade after a certain amount of time if used indoors or on natural ground, the fire instead continues to burn and spread rapidly. Ensure you don’t trap yourself in a vulnerable position when using molotovs.

Narcotic effects:
Drugs can be used to give advantages during bank raids, such as:
Cocaine raises the sharpness and brightness of your screen, increasing visibility.
Painkillers raise your base regen skills, but block the corners of your screen. They can be bought at uncle cos.
Weed, meth, Shrooms, and alcohol should not be consumed if you want to have full focus, as they obstruct your screen.


Different methods on how to complete bank raids.

These include:
This is the most aggressive form of bank robbery, which the robbery crew launch an offensive assault and seek out directly towards the police before they can reach the bank.

This is done by:
- Upon starting the bank robbery, most of the bank raiders leave the bank building itself.
- They spread about the city surrounding the bank, such as hospital, shopping centre, city garage, or city park.
- They fire upon officers whilst they are significantly far from the bank, to kill them before they even reach the bank building.

- Probably the most effective method.
- Makes it difficult for police to reach the bank
- Counters officers approaching and closing off the surrounding areas.

- Requires more skill
- Requires rifles to achieve typically
- Easier to get cornered, pinned, or killed
Holding out is when you treat defending the drill as if it were defending a base, where bank raiders take up a defensive approach, using the building to their advantage. This is usually the most used method of robbing the bank.
- At this moment in time, on Paralake V5, the pre vault room is completely wallbangable.
- The foreman’s office desk makes good cover, as does the bank tellers desk. Bear in mind with the bank tellers desk, your head may be visible if you crouch.
- Watch out for the roof, it’s ideal to have someone on the roof to guard it since it’s easy to Peek the roof windows from an angle which makes the officer holding the roof angle almost invisible.
- Officers can run on the city monorail tracks from the station to bank easily, watch that angle.

- Not difficult to do
- Cheaper / less effective at range weapons such as SMGs, pistols and shotguns come into play heavily.
- With the whole crew in a position to defend the drill, police will have a significantly harder time pushing in.

- Very easy to get cornered, surrounded, or otherwise trapped.
- You become a victim to snipers significantly easier.

The Getaway:
Ideally, at least the majority of the police force, including all the TFU and 80% of regular officers, should be dead. This would make pursuing your party an incredibly risky task most officers will never undertake in small groups, and will wait out until the Police force has regained strength and numbers.

What makes a good getaway car:
- It must have a decent top speed (more than 55MPH works but 80mph+ will get you away from patrol cars)
- Should have at least 4 seats, or enough to carry your party. 4 is the best.

Ideally, you’ll want to make these preparations prior to starting a bank raid:
- 1 in 2-3 of your party members should have a decent speed 4 seater spawned, in case cars get disabled or trapped.
- All of these vehicles should have enough storage spaces and weight to store all weapons, in case of your party members dying and you saving their weapons.

Will update more soon.
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Can you add a "Breathing techinique tactic" because I don't know if this is because I was younger, but raiding anything made my heart go 200BMP and so I wouldn't be able to hit shit, so please add some pre-bank robbery relaxing breathing meditation techiniques please ok thanks
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Can you add a "Breathing techinique tactic" because I don't know if this is because I was younger, but raiding anything made my heart go 200BMP and so I wouldn't be able to hit shit, so please add some pre-bank robbery relaxing breathing meditation techiniques please ok thanks
touch grass