Would you rather?

Depends where i'm stabbing, if the shooting is faster then i'll take that one.

Next: Would you rather move countries to a randomly generated place permanently and be given a house and $5000 Spending money or Go on a 2 week holiday anywhere with no spending money.
I´d choose to move to countries and recieve a house and $5000.

Would you rather save the life of a starving African child that you will never meet or have an actual working light saber?
You ruined it by not asking a question so ill start it again.

Would you rather be very good at dota or pro and league of legends?
Very good at dota because lol sucks ass

would you rather live in the harry potter universe or the lord of the rings universe
Well in the north east (and my school) the question basically means. Would you rather be ugly and pass your GCSEs and make tons of money. Or be fit as fuk and lose your virginity as soon as you hit puberty and get tons of STDs and fail school and get arrested at 19 and fail at life. Think I might go with the 2nd 1st one


Have taste buds on your butthole - I will taste it but will be healthy, so I won't need both.

Would you rather tell someone your darkest secret or get embarassed on national TV
Get embarrassed on TV of course :) (for the fame)

Would you rather suffocate or drown?
John Lennon .... fuck Harambe. He was just a meme. I've been to New York, seen the strawberry feilds (John Lennon memorial). Humans>Animals>Furies :moron: :beef:

Would you rather be turned on (have a permenant boner/moisture) for the rest of your life, or have no sex organs for the rest of your life?
100 duck sized horses. A huge flying featherball with a bill is not something I would like. If we fight with no weapons, there is probably no way to defeat that. The tiny horses I can probably just kick.

Would you rather stay outside in -30°C for 5 minutes in only your underwear, or walk one kilometer in Sahara, during daytime, wearing a winter coat?
Take the quickest way, burn to death probably.

Would you rather have a time machine that only goes back in time or a time machine that only goes forward in time?
I'd go back in time so I can stop myself from doing stupid shit.

Would you rather be a furry or a weaboo?
I'd rather pee.

Would you rather have 3 gigantic scorpions perform anal on you or receive a blowjob from a great white shark?