Youtube channel


So umm. Let's start with the basics. If we're gonna be a large PERP Community we're gonna need to advertise the server and it's community. And what better way then by making a youtube channel. Now here are some questions you may be wondering.

"Who's gonna make and manage the youtube channel?"

Well to be honest if i get confirmation and access to it. It should be either @Bolli or @Fredy unless they're not up to it in which i trust @Swiper The Fox and @Loejseren

"Who's gonna edit the trailer video?"

Mostly me because i have Sony Vegas 13.

"What music will be playing during the trailer?"

I'm circling in my head between the instrumental version of Bhangra beat desi and Go hard or go home by Wiz Khalifa and Iggy Azalea.

"How will it look like?"

I'm going for a scenic camera slide of some of Paralake and then it cuts to a road where two cars zoom by. A Nissan Skyline and a delorean supercharged and then it cuts to the upper skies where it shows the top of the cars zooming by and it cuts into a shot where a cop is at Main street at a stop light when the cars zoom by and he turns on his sirens and goes after them and then they still zoom past but a Transit emerges from Flobers St. And the cop is screamin for his life and crashes into the Transit and the DMC and Skyline still drive off and they drive into the subs where a gang kill two people there and they run and it cuts to the shot where the camera closes into the DMC's Grill and the Perpheads logo appears in a slightly badass fade in animation and at the bottom it says "An Awsome Garry's mod community"

So tell me what you guys think


Edit: Carrot beat me by a minute.

They're good and all but it needs a bit more "Pizzazz" Besides. We're now on Paralake. No longer Evocity. I mean don't me get wrong here Xquality made it very good and all but I wish to make it beautiful and epic. I want to give people an Adrenaline rush so that they can download the content and play on the server. That's what i want.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
As far as I know you can make yourself a trailer but I think the owners want to create the official one, for example the old one that we have is made by all the owners and some other people.


Well if we are gonna make this trailer i'm gonna need some people on board to help us. Mostly doing the driving and camera shots. And some about like 3-4 People and 2 Victims to get shot. If we can do that i'll get sent the video and edit it right away.