Perpheads Forums

Stamina Revamp & Demo Update - 04/02/2022

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A few days ago I presented my idea of a revamped stamina system and asked for input. The new system is very similar to the old one, except that regenerating stamina is a lot faster than before. After running out of stamina you can stop jogging and your stamina will start regenerating after 5 seconds.
To balance the new faster way of regenerating stamina a new thirst system was introduced. Many people had somewhat reserved feelings when it came to this new system so I made sure that it is almost unnoticeable. In fact, if you are not thirsty at all, you can regenerate the entirety of your stamina 25 times before being fully thirsty, and a single water bottle will replenish 70% of your thirst. Additionally, the only negative effect of being thirsty is thirst (and hunger) limiting your maximum amount of stamina...

Community Spotlight - January 2022

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We would like to showcase a unique build constructed by the staff team's own Ellie and Collier who took to the seas to build a pirate ship not only for fishing, but to serve as an attraction built just off the mainland near the beach.​

Medic and Firefighter Update - 31/01/2022

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  • 33

Medic and Firefighter Update - 31/01/2022
Over a period of several months, @Dank has been leading on the development of a major update to the Medics and Firefighters. This has also had considerable development contributions from myself, @Sam, @Fredy, @Collier and @Lelios. Additional thanks goes to @Efan and @Tyla Jai for their ideas, to @Bnej, @Ellie, @Super and @travis for testing, and to anyone else I have forgotten.

This is the first update that @Dank has led on from the start and his development skills have increased significantly during this. Unfortunately he wasn't around to write the update post, but please congratulate him on the hard work he has put into getting it to this point...

Community Decal Competition

  • 6,842
  • 27
To complement our recent decal updates we are going to create the chance for one of you to have your own decal in-game! You will have until 25/01/2022 to submit your designs in this thread. After that date, I will close the thread and we will shortlist 5 for the community to vote on in a poll created in this thread which will close on 28/01/2022. The winner will receive their decal in-game and 100K!

This thread should only be used to post your image and an optional short text accompanying. Any other post will be deleted, a discussion thread will be created. Click here to access that thread.

256x256 is the minimum required, 512x512 is the ideal resolution however. Upload in PNG format preferably, any is acceptable though.
No decals that would violate basic conduct rules...

Latest Activity

  • Chris Flynn reacted to Thorgal's post in the thread Love with Friendly Friendly.
    I just wanted to spread some love My mother's birthday is on Tuesday, I have 2 jobs and have...
  • Nottoc replied to the thread Love.
    That's so sweet, I hope that she enjoys the present and her birthday as well :)
  • Nottoc reacted to Thorgal's post in the thread Love with Friendly Friendly.
    I just wanted to spread some love My mother's birthday is on Tuesday, I have 2 jobs and have...
  • Kali replied to the thread Love.
  • Kali reacted to Thorgal's post in the thread Love with Like Like.
    I just wanted to spread some love My mother's birthday is on Tuesday, I have 2 jobs and have...
  • Dave reacted to Seke's post in the thread Love with Friendly Friendly.
    Tomorrow it will snow
  • Seke replied to the thread Love.
    Tomorrow it will snow
  • Nate reacted to Thorgal's post in the thread Love with Friendly Friendly.
    I just wanted to spread some love My mother's birthday is on Tuesday, I have 2 jobs and have...


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