Perpheads Forums

The Gulag 2.0

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A few weeks ago me and @Madda hosted the first Gulag event , people seemed to enjoy it. So we have decided to give it another shot.

For the past few weeks, @Dank and @Madda have been at work creating a new system, which looks a little like this -


This system (basically advanced dupe) will allow for future events to be saved and accessible to spawn at any time with this menu.
Barkour pls @doge :D

Using this new system, I have been working with a few people to create the arenas to help host these events, special thanks to:


This Sunday (5/15/2022). There will be two events:

1V1 Event Farm Fields -

Time -...

Tooter Revival - 09/05/22

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Tooter was broken since roughly a year ago and it was not fixed because it was always too much trouble. I finally had enough time to get it working again and make sure that it will not break in the future anymore. Tooter is safe from now on.
While fixing the backend I also noticed that the UI did not scale well with resolutions, so I spent some time making sure that Tooter looks acceptable on many different resolutions.

A big issue of Tooter (and the fact that I was reluctant to spend the time fixing it) was the fact that it was rarely used. I think a reason for this was that almost no one could discover you and you would have to basically spam adverts with your handle to get people to follow you. I...

Wardrobe Update - 04/05/22

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A month ago we made a poll about what we should develop next. The wardrobe system won that vote and I am very happy to release it in today's update. Here is how it works:
When approaching the mirror in Jennifer's you are now greeted with two options, either purchasing new clothes or go to the wardrobe:
Selecting the purchasing option is the same menu as before. However, unlike before, whenever you buy an article of clothing, the old article is no longer lost. Instead, any clothes you purchase will be saved and you can view them from within the wardrobe.

When you enter the wardrobe, you will now be greeted with the new wardrobe menu. This menu allows you to change your current clothes by changing to any clothes you have previously...

Small Demo Update - 16/04/22

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This is just a very small update that changes the location of recorded demos from the demos folder to the data/phdemos folder. The reason we decided to change the folder is due to the demos folder being backed up by Steam Cloud. This is not exactly great since it forces you to upload large demo files every time you close your game and might even fill up your Garry's Mod's Steam Cloud entirely. In the worst case this might even prevent any important config files from being backed up.

Please note that this also means that new demos will no longer show up in the Demos menu in the main menu, since it only checks for files within the demos folder. If you want to watch a demo, simply copy the corresponding demo from the data/phdemos folder into the demos folder and it will show up as expected.

Additionally, we also added an option (enabled by default) to automatically delete any demos that are older than 21...

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