Perpheads Forums

Mission System Part 1: Linear Tutorial - 09/04/22

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One of the biggest issue that our server faces is attracting new players. While we have an incredibly dedicated player base with many people who have played on our server since years and even people who come back after year long bans, new players often find it very difficult to get started. Think about the first time you joined the server, it likely took you a very long time to figure out many of the mechanics of the game and you were probably only able to do so with the help of other existing players or by looking up guides on the help website.

Today's update makes a first step in addressing this issue by introducing a mission system that features a linear tutorial starting automatically when you first join the server. It is designed to teach new players some of the very basics of the gamemode without them having to ask for help.

Players who already joined can start the tutorial manually from the new...

FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

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Many users have pointed out in the past that certain areas of the map sometimes cause massive FPS drops. These could be noticed by just entering a certain area of the map, during raiding or even just standing still. Some of the worst areas that were noted were the area around the beach, the office or even the suburbs highway bend.
I am very glad to announce that we have now identified the root issue and were able to fix it in today's update. After some quick testing it does appear to not happen at all anymore, and even with 100 players on my server I have 140+FPS at the beach at all times as long as no players are around, whereas before even if no player was in sight I could not sustain 60 FPS.

We quickly figured out the issue was located within the...

Community Spotlight - March 2022

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So we will kick this one off with one that I noticed whilst playing as cop, I saw this fantastic designed shop with a very unique way to present the sign at the front entrance. Unfortunately the shop didn't see much attention whilst I was on duty but a cool creation nonetheless. You can claim a $50,000 reward by contacting a Community Manager in-game.​
A very unique creation by Lucius and Spooky with this treehouse that was posted in our discord, not something I have seen before and it seemed to get a lot of attention by players that walked past. You can find more images and videos of...​

New Sweaters and April Fool's

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Today's update adds some cool new sweater skins made by @TkToaster and gives the PD some more tools to more effectively raid heavily fortified bases. Here's the full changelog:

New Sweaters​

@TkToaster has graciously made some new sweater skins for us, big thanks to him! Thanks to our system it is relatively easy to add new skins, so if you are interested in contributing some new skins for some clothes yourself, please contact me!

Here are some of the new sweater skins:

Police Update​

As some people have...

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