Perpheads Forums

New IP 11-06-2022

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Today we will be switching to a new IP from the current one. Nothing will change if you type


But if you have the server in your favorites you can also connect to the new IP at:

We hope you can find the server and if there are any issues feel free to contact either me or @Fredy

Community Spotlight - May 2022

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A simple bazaar shop construction made by Lucius Husky, one of our helpers. It's a gun store which makes use of various props including the standard market table which comes with the store. This was taken from a nomination in Discord.​
A number of players including @Sean, @Bojing, @Snusmus, @Mallard and @Hayden were involved in setting up a Boxing Event on the Car Garage Roof, more photos can be found on Discord however here is my favourite that I picked out.​

Paralake Mugging Map

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Hello Friends!

After much deliberation and a variety of ideas, our consensus as to what is and what is not allowed came together and was displayed visually
on this 'Mugging Map' as we have decided to call it.
This map shall serve to better understand what a 'Public Area' is as per 5.1 Mugging and is subject to change in the future depending on several factors.

Due to the doors at the Bazaar being temporarily removed in the
27/04/2023 Update,
mugging is not allowed at the Bazaar shops/Business shops at all, so the map and rule have been updated.



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There has been a noticeable rise in toxicity on the server recently and an incident today has finally caused me to say something.

I do not know whether this rise has been due to staff relaxing a little bit on standards or if people have slowly been pushing the envelope but it is not going to be tolerated. Especially bullying individuals on the server due to real life circumstances. Games are supposed to be a fun outlet to relax or escape from reality for a short period of time. If you as a person think it’s acceptable to ruin this time for someone else simply for your own amusement or because you’re a vindictive individual then you are not welcome in this community.

I understand that this may seem over the top reaction but as multiple threads in the past have shown, this can be an outlet from their real life and they should not have to worry about being bullied or harassed.

Staff will be asked to keep...

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